Archive for April 29th, 2016

21 Kitchen Hacks That Make Cooking So Much Easier

You want to keep your pot on the stove from boiling over? Place a wooden spoon over the top. This pops the bubbles as they rise to the top and before they spill over.Would you like to shuck a strawberry without mutilatin...

Be the Belle of the Cosplay Ball With This Pokemon Gown

We've seen a litteral Poke Ball Gown before, but if you want to cosplay in full formal style while actually appearing as a character, be sure to head over to RageCostumes' store where you can get your hands on this incre...

That Escalated Quickly

The movie Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy includes a surreal battle scene between rival news crews. After the fight, Ron Burgundy remarks that it was very odd for an argument between reporters to turn into...

A Learning Machine Made of Drawers and Beads

Can a machine learn from experience? Of course they do, we have artificial intelligence computer programs that learn from experience, from people, and from other computers. But all that had to start somewhere. In 1961, D...

Street Justice: Woman Expresses Her Displeasure at Sexual Harassment

[](Video Link)In an elevator in China, a man gets handsy with a woman. After he's had plenty of warning, she delivers a right cross, then a groin kick that puts him on t...

Versus - Fighting Will Get You Nowhere Fast Fellas!

Versus by ZerobriantMan, it seems all the superheroes in the world are at odds these days, and the versus films and storylines just keep rolling out. When are they going to learn that working together is the only way to...

This Pizza Box Is Made Out of Pizza

The owner of Vinnie's Pizzeria, Sean Berthiaume, must have been channeling Xzbit earlier this week when he thought to himself, "Yo Dawg, I heard you liked pizza, so I put your pizza in a box made from pizza." B...

Puppy Joins Litter of Kittens

A Chihuahua puppy named Bobby was only two days old when his mother was hit by a car and killed. The Michigan Humane Society took him in, but he was so young, what to do? They had a cat in residence with a litter of youn...

50 Nerds of Grey is Here to Turn You On and Off Again

There are those who think geeks aren't very sexual, but the reality is that the average person just doesn't understand their special kinks. Fortunately for the geeks looking for hot reading material (and those looking fo...

Five Smart Tables That Do More than Just Host Meals

Imagine a coffee table in your living room with an embedded computer. One that you could put your drink or even dinner on and not worry about ruining. One that you could even order dinner from! Use it for playing music,...

These Pics Prove The Rock Is Truly A God Amongst Men

It ain't pretty.. Old school/hard core movement you rarely see today, but extremely effective. #BarrelChest #BigsDogEat #LilPuppiesStayOnThePorch #IronParadiseA photo posted by therock (@therock) on Jan 14, 2016 at 6...

Kitten Rescued from Tree by Crowdfunding

[] (YouTube link)A 6-month-old cat named Boots became stuck high in a tree in Melbourne, Australia, early on Wednesday morning. The RSPCA and the local fire brigade declined to help. The cat&r...

Manga Versions Of Our Favorite New Wave Artists From The 80s

In the 1980s Japanese comic artists were just as obsessed with the New Wave music scene as the rest of the world, and their obsession spilled out onto the pages of manga magazines.Drawing these musical characters in a ma...

Black Velvet Nebula Cake

Black Velvet Nebula Cake - new recipe with step-by-step painting tutorial on! A photo posted by Heather Baird (@sprinklebakes) on Apr 4, 2016 at 6:16pm PDT Suddenly, I want to throw a birthday par...

Gear Up For The Summer Movies Of 2016 With These Amazing T-Shirts

RED VS. BLUE - CIVIL WAR by ALIENBIKER232016 is going to be another blockbuster year for the motion picture industry, and as usual all the high profile flicks are coming out during the summer.If you're as excited as we a...

Kylo Ren with Better Dialogue

Auralnauts have re-dubbed the lines from Kylo Ren scenes in The Force Awakens, giving him the depth of character that you suspected all along in a young emo Sith wannabe. The movie could have used a bit more hum...

The Kid Who Played Gregory Goyle In Harry Potter Movies Is Now An MMA Fighter

The cast of the Harry Potter movies have moved on to the next phase of their lives (meaning adulthood), and those eight movies are now just a fond memory and an entry on their IMDB page.But for some those movies...

Not What They Seem - Bob And The Black Lodge

Not What They Seem by Barrett BiggersThe owls sit in the trees and stare off into the night, watching and waiting to see what cards fate will play for the people in the town of Twin Peaks below. Some will find an ace up...

The “Scandalous” Women of the ’90s

Monica, Marcia, Tonya, and Anita were household names in the 1990s for widely varying reasons, to the point that we didn’t even need to use their last names. What they had in common was the media circuses that grew...

Love Walt Disney World? Now You Can Live There!

(Image Link)Do you love Disney theme parks so much you wish you could live in them?Six year old me would totally agree, but nowadays I'm not so sure I could handle dealing with all the people who visit Disney theme parks...

Cracking the Voynich

A bizarre medieval manuscript written in a language no one can read has baffled the world’s best cryptologists, stumped the most powerful code-breaking computers, and been written off as a masterful hoax. Ca...

For the 7th Year in a Row, 100% of Students from This School Are Going to College

(Photo: Urban Prep Academies)Urban Prep Academies is a 3-campus all-boys school in Chicago. Six years ago, we told you about an impressive achievement of the school: every one of their graduating seniors was going to col...

Everything Wrong With Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

I’ve always subscribed to the idea that real Star Wars fans hate Star Wars, and they live to pick apart everything George Lucas ever did. That is apparently transferring to Disney. Now that the wa...

Why The Punisher Is the Most Moral Character on Daredevil

(Image: Marvel Studios)WARNING: Spoilers of season 2 of Daredevil.Daredevil investigates a series of horrible mass murders committed against criminals in New York City, As he does so, the audien...

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