Thrill-seekers line up to see the latest scary movie, tour a haunted house, or ride a roller coaster. These same people would hate the idea of being the victim of an armed robbery. But some will step close to the edge of a real cliff just for the thrill of it. What makes us do these things? It’s chemistry, of course, acting on our brains. Adrenaline and endorphins are a thrill in themselves.
But the effect varies from person to person, and I can tell you it varies within a person’s lifetime, too. I once waited in line for the latest roller coaster or horror films, too. But at a certain point, the memories of those chemical rushes is enough. Now I am more concerned with the resulting indigestion or sleepless nights that may follow. This animated TED-Ed lesson is from Margee Kerr. -via Laughing Squid
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