Archive for April 23rd, 2016

The Evolution of Iron Man in Television & Film

Iron Man has been on TV and in movies for 50 years, although the first 40 years of that was in animation only -and most of them after that! The look of the character has changed yet stayed the same, usually pretty faithf...

Actors Have Been Dying to Play the Role of Yorick in Hamlet

(Photo: David Tennant as Prince Hamlet by The Times)In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Yorick the court jester was famous for his wit and performances:Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio: a fellow of infinite...

Why is Being Scared So Fun?

Thrill-seekers line up to see the latest scary movie, tour a haunted house, or ride a roller coaster. These same people would hate the idea of being the victim of an armed robbery. But some will step close to the edge of...

Krabby Patty! - Tastes Like Teen Spirit

Krabby Patty! by daletheskaterWith the lights out he's less dangerous, here comes Bob now, entertain him! That sponge in the silly square pants has always been a fan of popular music, so when he was offered the chance t...

Kids Who Look Just Like Their Famous Parents

It must be great for a famous face to create an offspring who has the exact same famous face, but I can see how that might suck for the kids.After all, no matter what they want to do in life their recognizable face will...

A Member of the Little Rock Nine Discusses Her Struggle to Attend Central High

The National Museum of American History in Washington, DC, has an exhibition called “American Stories.” A recent donation to the museum came from Minnijean Brown Trickey, who presented the Smithsonian with he...

Autopsy Of A Banana

When fruit dies in mysterious ways The Food Surgeon is there to help make sense of it all, using his forensic skills to get to the bottom of important cases like “who aced the apple?” or “how did the ba...

14 Simple Charts For Teaching Children That Life Is Hard

Life is hard. As you age, some parts of it get better while other parts get worse. All you can control is your attitude toward those things. You have to shrug off the bad and be grateful for the good, and that&r...

Animal Planet TV Crew Finds Castaway While Filming Off The Coast Of Australia

TV shows love to send crews out to remote locations where few humans dare to tread and film the whole experience, because audiences who are stuck at home eat that extreme travel stuff up.The crews sent out on these shoot...

Time Traveler Running for President; Knows He’ll Win

While some conspiracy theorists want to unveil the administration in Washington as the lizard people they are, and others want the truth about UFOs to be revealed, one presidential candidate wants to reveal government br...

How to Make S'more Eclairs

Hannah, the Domestic Gothess, made these simply perfect eclairs with a toasted marshmallow cream filling. She dipped the tops in melted chocolate, then added gourmet marshmallows. For a special treat, she covered the top...

The Simpsons Disney-style Couch Gag

Get a head start on Sunday’s episode of The Simpsons with a sneak peek at this week's guest animator couch gag! This time, it’s a taste of different eras of Disney.[] (You...

Finally! A Steve Buscemi Adult Onesie

Dangerous Minds appropriately calls this outfit the "holy grail" of fashion. Fashion designers might as well pack it in because the long quest for the perfect, every day, all day outfit is now finally complete....

The Pyramids of King Sneferu

When we see the great pyramids of Egypt, we are in awe of how they built such wonderful edifices so big and long-lasting. We rarely see the early attempts, the pyramids on the short side of the learning curve. They are s...

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