Archive for April 18th, 2016

100 Years/100 Shots

Jacob T. Swinney made a supercut of movies from 1915’s Birth of a Nation, and one every year after that, until 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road. So that’s technically 101 shots. The movies ar...

Dogs Playing Poker - Fetch Me Some Toilet Water, Would Ya?

Dogs Playing Poker by NemiMakeitThat classic painting featuring a pack of hounds playing poker has been in need of a pop culture makeover for decades, and now that it has received a colorful cartoon update it looks like...

Star Trek Pinball Machine

The master craftsmen at ALTAR Furniture, which previosly made an R2-D2 coffee table pinball machine, built this coffee table body around an old Star Trek pinball machine dating back to 1991. The one-of-a-kind pi...

George R. R. Martin Discusses The Real History Behind Game Of Thrones

Game of Thrones, and the book series that inspired the show A Song Of Ice And Fire, clearly take place in a fictional world of fantasy, since there are White Walkers, giants, fire breathing dragons and...


I don’t know, maybe it’s unfair to judge a man’s wand by the size of his broom. The analogy breaks down when you realize that all the students at a school for wizards will see your wand. In the...

Teenager Born without Hands Masters the Piano

[](Video Link)Alexei Romanov, 15, was born without hands. So it should have been impossible for him to learn to play the piano, let alone become a concert-level pianist. But tha...

Little Girls Are Funny

This pic took 85 tries.Someday, those matching outfits will be the reason they put us in a terrible nursing home.— Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn) November 9, 2015 James Breakwell...

Escaped Inmate Found Hiding in Dishwasher

(Unrelated photo by Nathan Bittinger)Wesley Evans has been an inmate at the jail of Jasper County, Texas after being arrested for auto theft, arson, and aggravated robbery. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment...

The Earth is Beautiful

NASA released some ultra-high definition footage taken from the ISS as it orbits earth. with special emphasis on the Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis, seen from above.[] (YouTube link)The...

North Korea Channels The Voice Of Abraham Lincoln In Letter To Obama

When Supreme Leader Kim-Jong Un orders the North Korean state media to send President Obama a message we expect blustering, bluffing, and lots of nuclear weapon-related threats.But apparently the state media has mastered...

The Hobbit in Less Than Three Minutes

I just saved myself ten hours of time by watching the TL;DW version of The Hobbit trilogy. They may have left out a few details, but nothing I’d really want to sit still that long for, even if I had the ti...

Guy Watches TV for 94 Hours, Sets New World Record

(Image: CyberLink)This is Alejandro "AJ" Fragoso, one of the greatest athletes in the world. He recently sat on a couch watching television for 94 straight hours, thus setting a Guinness World Record.Fragoso and two othe...

DP Demolition - You'll Marvel At His Ability To Make A Mess!

DP Demolition by Kinda CreativeDeadpool found an easy way to get out of the merc game in one piece- he bought a crane and massive wrecking ball and began tearing down any buildings he felt were blocking his view of the...

Think Your Cat Is Lazy? Look At All The Jobs They Do For You!

The feline pet population has it way too easy- they're asked to do nothing more than catch mice, eat on the floor, poop in a box and allow humans to dote on them, which is why all the working dogs are so jealous.But this...

Rainbow Grilled Cheese

Say cheeeseeeeeee 有幾款味道芝士揀 例如榴蓮同香蕉lol 我就揀左 開心首選 (King size $42) 包含左紅色既芝心蕃尋味(蕃茄) 藍色既薰衣草芝戀(薰衣草味) 同綠色既綠葉之選(...

Out: The Czech Republic. In: Czechia.

(Image: Vardion)At the end of World War I, the Czech and Slovak regions of the Austo-Hungarian Empire formed the state of Czechoslovakia. When the pair split in 1993, the Czech state became known in English as the Czech...

Ten of the Most Memorable Clowns in Movies

The world has finally gotten around to admitting that clowns are pretty much horrible. For centuries, we just pretended otherwise, not knowing that other people felt the same way. But now clowns are a fairly common horro...

Reporter Rescues Man from Sinking Car on Live TV

It's raining very heavily in Houston, Texas, today. Even though many schools and businesses have closed and electricity gone out in homes, some people are still venturing out.Steve Champion, a reporter with KTRK News, wa...

"Don't Touch My Grandma!" Toddler Protects Grandmother from Police

[](Video Link)A mysterious video from somewhere in China shows police attempting to shut down an illegal street vendor. The owner's grandson picks up a steel pipe and brandishes...

The Capital of Canada

If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS. This kid will make an adequate politician someday, or a comedian. Yeah, it could well be fake, but it’s still funny. This bonus test question app...

What Happens When Twins Use a Face Swapping App?

[](Video Link)It looks like these indentical twin brothers are just looking into a camera. But the app is active and is swapping their faces back and forth. Can you identify the...

10 Disgusting Animal Defense Mechanisms

You always hear about the beauty and majesty of nature, but it's not always pretty. Sometimes nature is just plain icky. Here are some of the grossest ways animals protect themselves from predators.1. Turkey VulturesImag...

Eats Like a Duck

Over 27 seasons on TV, there’s been a lot of food featured on the TV show The Simpsons. Eats Like a Duck chronicles those foods one at a time, with references to the episode it appeared in and recipes. For...

The Adventures Of Rey - She's Always Running Into Trouble...

The Adventures Of Rey by Alberto83ajWe caught up with Rey in the Force Awakens at a point in her life where she'd already gone on many incredible adventures across Jakku, so wouldn't it be interesting to see what her li...

How Batman Has (Literally) Grown over Time

How tall and short has Batman been? The shortest is, surprisingly, not Michael Keaton from the 1989 movie. It was LEGO Batman--if he counts. This chart and article by The Economist describes how directors have c...

The Photo At The Center Of The Black Confederate Myth

This increasingly famous portrait from the US Civil War is of two men. On the left is Andrew Chandler, Confederate soldier from Mississippi. On the right is his slave, Silas Chandler, who accompanied Andrew into war. Was...

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