Woman at Baseball Game Googles How Long It Will Last

Baseball is a game that consists of people standing on a field and, on rare occasions, throwing, hitting, or catching a ball. But mostly it's standing around. According to longtime baseball fan Tom Pettigrew, the typical game lasts about 2 to 3 hours. It only feels longer.

Twitter user Brad Gagnon was at a Toronto Blue Jays game. During the second inning, he spotted a woman in front of him seaching online to find out how much longer she would have to endure this purgatory.

My proposal: encourage players to move expeditiously by releasing hungry lions onto the field after an hour.

-via Lost at E Minor

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"My proposal: encourage players to move expeditiously by releasing hungry lions onto the field after an hour."

Typical type of response by one that doesn't really know what is going on.
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I am totally in favor of releasing lions onto the baseball field. I used to work at a basketball arena, and was then hired to do the same job at a baseball stadium. I was offered a job at a football stadium too, but they couldn't pay nearly enough money to make me sit through that. ZOMG, baseball is a boring game! And I held that job for 3 years, sitting through every. single. home game. I absolutely knew what was going on, and none of it was interesting.
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