Archive for April 14th, 2016

100 Greatest One-Liners: After The Kill

[] (YouTube link)Last month, we had a supercut of iconic movie lines delivered just before the star killed someone. Now it’s time for the followup: iconic movie lines delivered right *em...

This Man Ran 370 Marathons in a Year

(Photo: Rob Young)Is that impossible? Not for Rob Young, the Marathon Man.It all started very casually in 2014. The Telegraph explains:. . . he was watching the London Marathon on TV with his partner when he dec...

16 Lively Facts About Death Wish

The 1974 movie Death Wish was violent, disturbing, and vicariously gave people what they wanted: the cathartic feeling of fighting back against the evils of the world. That’s pretty common in movies now, b...

20 Movie Mistakes That Made It into the Final Cut

In Guardians of the Galaxy, Star-Lord reads a letter from his mother. But if you watch carefully, you'll notice that the voice-over narration doesn't match the words on the paper.[

Where Do U.S. Taxes Actually Go?

In the Unites States, tomorrow Monday is the deadline for filing your income tax returns. In honor of the deadline, which we affectionately call Tax Day, the Atlantic made a quiz to see how much you know about the U.S. b...

This Fish Lives Inside a Sea Cucumber's Butt

[](Video Link)Attention, San Franciscans! If you're tired of paying outragously high home rental fees, then I've got a deal for you!The BBC 2 program Natural World tell...

Hair Stylist Shares Movie Set Polaroids Kept In Shoebox Since The 90s

Hair and makeup stylists who work in Hollywood are in a unique position to spend lots of time hanging out with the talent, as stars often spend hours in their trailer getting camera ready.If these stylists are lucky they...

E.T. Barbecue

The bad news is that Elliot was not able to rescue E.T. and ensure that he got back home.The good news is that E.T. is delicious!(Photos: Bengt Pettersson and Helga Steppan)Eating E.T. is an occasional project by Terje&n...

Loch Ness Monster Found

The missing 30-foot Loch Ness Monster has been found after going missing almost 50 years ago, thanks to an underwater robot. The prop was built for a scene in the 1970 film The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, s...

Mercenary Time - The Pool, The Princess, And An All You Can Eat Candy Buffet

Mercenary Time by SaqmanIt's mercenary time, c'mon grab your guns, going to have some loud fun, with Colossus Jake and Finn the Pool man the warfare never ends, it's mercenary time! Now ain't that a nice little ditty? D...

Ronald McDonald Statue Arrested by Chinese Police

On the streets, they called him Happy Ronnie. You'd better call him that. Because the alternative was Angry Ronnie, who was a criminal terror.Well, the long arm of the law finally caught up with Happy Ronnie. He's headin...

The Secret of C-3PO

Poor C-3PO. He is a victim of circumstance, being pulled from one end of the galaxy to the other. He’s been pulled apart and reassembled over and over. He’s been put in harm’s way too many times, throug...

Ten Weird Facts The People v O.J. Simpson Left Out

The FX series The People v O.J. Simpson filled in quite a few blanks relating to the cast of characters involved in the trial, but it also left us with a bunch of unanswered question.What's the deal with Johnnie...

Should All Locks Have Keys?

You protect your physical world with locks -on your car, your home, and your workplace. But the digital world is different. There’s a lot to think about here.[] (YouTube link)In the phys...

Swarming Crabs Look Like An Oceanic Alien Invasion

Swarms of pretty much anything are scary to see swarming, terrifying when the swarm is coming towards you and totally panic inducing when the swarm actually makes contact with your body.But thanks to this amazing(ly unse...

When Comic Book Villains and Heroes Get Old

They may have superpowers, but time will eventually catch up with superheroes, as it does with all of us. A series of illustrations by Italian artist Donald Soffritti places many superheroes (and super villains) in their...

This Kid's Over-The-Top Senior Pictures Are So Money

It's pretty common for high school seniors to write witty quotes and take goofy senior pictures these days, but every once in a while a senior comes up with a senior pic shoot that becomes the stuff of legend.This year's...

Montreal’s Notre-Dame Basilica

Juergen Horn and Mike Powell spent the winter in Curaçao, and have moved on to Montreal, Quebec, for the next 91 Days. They thought it was spring, but were greeted by snow and subzero temperatures! But there&rsquo...

Drone Smashes Through 5th Floor Window And Smacks Guy In The Head

We don't have hundreds of drones cluttering up our skies (yet), and thanks to careless amateur pilots who keep crashing into stuff the skies above our cities remain drone free a while longer.(NSFW due to language)(YouTub...

You Don't Win Friends with Salad

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.(Image credit: Flickr user Gra...

CONFUSION - This Is Not The Extraterrestrial We Were Looking For

CONFUSION by Fernando SalaDon't you hate it when the director calls for the alien life form that's starring in the film currently being shot only to have some two bit sitcom star show up and screw the whole shoot up? ET...

Eyewear Made Specifically for Special Needs Kids

(Photo: Specs4usUS)About 60% of people with Down Syndrome have vision problems. But most eyeglasses frames won't fit the facial features of people with it.For Maria Dellapina, a single mother of 4 children, that was a pr...

My Love Story in LEGO

Kevin Ulrich of Brotherhood Workshop said he wouldn’t date someone he works with. But then he met Celina Frenn, who’s as much of a nerd as he is. They’re getting married this week. What better way to ce...

Yoga on Horseback

Angela Nuñez calls herself the Horse Yoga Girl. One day, when she was 8 years old, she spent hours riding her pony named Trixie. Nuñez returned to the stable in joyful excitement. But she was about to...

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