Archive for April 1st, 2016

Mirror Selfies with Imagination

I'm headed for the mountains!So if you don't hear from me I'm either captured by the Norwegian trolls and goblins up there, or there's no wifi.xx #mirrorsme A photo posted by mirrorsme (@mirrorsme) on Mar 19, 2016 at...

Author Flannery O'Connor On Why We Find The Grotesque So Appealing

(Image Link)Those of us who enjoy grotesquerie don't question why we like the dark side, and even though we could probably be psychologically profiled according to our morbid tastes we don't worry about issues of sanity....

Who is the Main Character in Game of Thrones?

I look at Game of Thrones as a tournament bracket. We started out with a ton of characters, many introduced over several year’s time. They are from several different regions, or “houses,” like...

Cop Plays Hopscotch with Homeless Girl

[](Video Link)Officer Scott Marsh of the Huntington Beach Police Department in California spotted a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot last Wednesday. He discovered that a woma...

Maybe… I Am the Fool

(Image credit: Poorly Drawn Lines)Do you have a favorite webcomic that you check every day? A better question is, do you check more than one webcomic every day? Because if you do, today may have given you a case...

How Architects Draw The Human Figure

To become an architect you need to have strong perspective, design and geometric drawing skills, just to name a few, but architects really don't need to know much about drawing the human figure.Anatomy is an entirely dif...

The Easter Wolverine

Every year, the Easter Bunny visits little boys and girls and gives them presents, usually chocolate candy, colorful eggs, and jelly beans. The Easter Wolverine fills in for him in rougher neighborhoods. Don't try to tak...

Lylat Heroes - Fox And Falcon Soaring Past The Stars

Lylat Heroes by PertheseusThere's a star fox floating in the sky, he'd like to meet us gamers but he's scared he'd blow our minds, he's a hero fighting for what's right, with the Lylat system behind him in his fight. So...

People Rebooting

[] (YouTube link)People sometimes faint under stressful conditions, like skydiving or riding on a roller coaster. This can be frightening, both for the fainting person and for those in close p...

Brilliant Air Traveler Invents New Way to Annoy People at 35,000 Feet

Commercial air travel has been around for a century. Legend has it that on that first flight from St. Petersburg, Florida to nearby Tampa, a passenger insisted on using both armrests and talking to the guy next to him fo...

The Internet Reacts To Baby Born With Full Head Of Hair

This is Isabelle Kaplan and her mom Mackenzie:As you can see Isabelle was born with a full head of hair, which made her quite famous on the interwebs when Mackenzie's cousin posted the pic to Reddit.But as we all know th...

Cop Rescues Cat with A Taser

Police in La Vista, Nebraska, responded to a call about a cat stuck in a tree. The cat was about 20 feet above ground over a creek. Officer T.J. Markowsky explained on Twitter how one officer used his Taser to lure the c...

Delightful Star Wars Artwork on Etsy

The Force Awakens was the Star Wars sequels we were all dying to see and now that we know just how perfect it was, it only makes sense to add artwork from the film to our existing geeky art collections. Thanks to Etsy, w...

The 10 Best Dark Comedies of All-Time

It’s not easy to take a sad, tragic, or scary subject and make a comedy out of it. Some filmmakers are masters at this game. Then there are movies that you didn’t realize were supposed to be comedies. It&rsqu...

This Animated Short Will Get You Up To Speed For Marvel's Civil War

Marvel movies are heading in a whole new dramatic direction with the advent of Civil War in the Marvel Universe starting with Captain America: Civil War, but good guys at odds with each other seems unheroic to s...

Calvin and Hobbes Resurrected

Okay, let’s get this straight. Calvin and Hobbes was a strip by Bill Watterson that ended in 1995. Bloom County is a comic by Berkeley Breathed that ended in 1989. However, Breathed resurrected Bloom County (featur...

These Hilarious 80s Themed T-Shirts Are Totally Rad To The Max!

I Miss The 80s by ClayGrahamArtRetro enthusiasts used to be a rare breed, but these days people are embracing the past and surrounding themselves with the old school, and even those who weren't born yet are now getting a...

Google April Fool Immediately Backfires

Google rolled out an April Fools Day feature for Gmail called “Gmail Mic Drop” that appended a .gif featuring a Minion (from the movie Despicable Me) dropping a microphone to email messages. The prob...

All Signs Point To Spoon - Don't Tick Puddy Off!

All Signs Point To Spoon by PixhunterThe Tick had been hanging out with a bunch of apartment dwelling weirdos since he'd given up his crime fighting ways, and as soon as he started dating the one they call Elaine he ado...

Little House on the River

(Photo: Day Donaldson)The story goes that, 40 years ago, this little island in the Drina River by the town of Bajina Basta, Serbia was a popular spot for young people to swim and sunbathe. The owner and his friends decid...

The Sweetest Revolution: The History of the Ice Cream Truck

How a musical truck hijacked an elite dessert and delivered it to the people.(Image credit: Jsellinger79)It’s the sound of summer: a string of jangly notes cutting through the sticky-hot air. The response...

Cannoli Filled with Cannolis

Leave the gun. But definitely take the cannolis. Thrillist, I understand it, recently attended a cooking class hosted by the Barilla brand of pasta. The chefs prepared these extraordinary cannolis.The obvious ne...

The Ultimate 80s Cartoon Intro

80s cartoons had a very distinct look, especially in regards to the intro sequence, and there are so many obvious similarities between shows that you could easily clip them all together into one amazing mega-show.But lic...

It Pays To Have A Cat After A Breakup

Cats don’t care if your heart has been broken. They don’t care if you want to wallow in your misery. They care very much that their breakfast is served on time, so you may as well pull yourself together. Fren...

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