Terézia Krnáčová's Embroidered Bread

Terézia Krnáčová is a textile artist in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia. For her project titled Everyday Bread, she embroidered six slices of bread. The seventh slice, which is left plain, represents the Sabbath. She explains:

My concept is expression of my personal relationship with [textiles]. I love [textile] art and I can‘t live a day without it.

Now: am I wrong, or are there actually 8 slices of bread in this photo?

-via Visual News

Comments (2)

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Newest 2 Comments

I was just about to post the same comment about the eight slices. As far as I can see, you are not wrong. My only interpretation is that the seventh slice is not technically embroidered, but is only wrapped in thread. That's the "plain" one that represents the Sabbath. The completely unadorned one is just there to illustrate the original product because we might not know what bread looks like. Hey, it's all I got.
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