JohnKFisher thought his wife’s new maternity dress looked familiar. Then he figured out what it looked like.
But she wasn’t the only one who liked the dress. Redditor shypye also bought the dress.
Redditor doc10house also spotted this dress in the wild last year.
I tried to see if this dress is a sensation, and it was literally the first result when I did a Google search for “maternity dress.” Then it turns out that several women on the subreddit r/babybumps had bought it.
Rihanna Wanna Be An Arizona Green Tea With Ginseng And Honey Sooooo Bad!
— Mr. Bennett (@sbnumb3) February 11, 2016
It’s not the first time a dress has been compared to a can of Arizona Tea, although that may say more about the fine design of the drink packaging than anything else. But many think that Homer actually wore it best.
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