Axe Body Spray Causes Evacuation of Church and Daycare

(Photo: Satish Krishnamurthy)

Axe body spray is the preferred fragrance of refined, sophisticated gentlemen around the world. But not everyone is sufficiently cultured to recognize it.

On Friday, people in a church in Seattle found fumes emerging from a backpack left in a bathroom. They evacuated the church and daycare center. Firefighters called in a hazmat team to investigate the source of the aroma. It was a can of Axe. MyNorthwest reports:

A backpack left in a bathroom was giving off "cough inducing fumes" on March 18, according to the Seattle Police Department. That prompted a call to 911. After responding to the scene, fire crews called in a hazmat team to handle the noxious fumes.

After the church building was evacuated, and a neighboring daycare, and the surrounding streets were blocked off, the team ventured into the fume-filled bathroom.

It didn't take long, however, for the team to identify the source of the offending vapors. The can of Axe body spray was found to be malfunctioning and continuously giving off the fumes.

-via Dave Barry

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One of my grandsons showed up reeking of Axe. I sent him into the bathroom to shower, and made him put on bathing trunks while I washed his clothes. I thought I would choke to death just touching the clothes.
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It wouldn't be so bad if people wouldn't drown themselves in the stuff. A little dab will go a long way. Some peoples' wakes leave a powerful stench behind them long after they've passed.
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