8 Churches Converted into Modern Homes

(Photo: Jim Tshetter)

Now here's a fresh, vibrant look for a kitchen! And the dining area offers a great view for a breakfast.

It was a hundred-year old church in the Little Italy neighborhood of Chicago. But Linc Thelen Design and Scarfano Architects turned it into a modern house. They used the cavernous interior to create a spacious residence for a family.

This is 1 of 8 old churches turned into homes rounded up by The Contemporist. They all make use of large spaces in novel ways to create private abodes. I especially like the retention of window frames that are unusual in modern houses.

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That soap/gun story always reminds me of the Woody Allen movie "Take the Money and Run" where he attempts it during a rain storm, ending up with a handful of bubbles.
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Yea, is that the same movie where the teller can't read his "penmanship" on the hold-up note? HA HA Anyway, back to Dillinger, he's a fellow Hoosier and we are so proud of him here in Indiana. Mellencamp, Florence Henderson and John Dillinger! Oh yea, Charlie Manson spent some time here too. Plus, Jim Jones.....think I'll stop there.
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I have met the Hinds family and done extensive research. You failed to mention that Hinds was innocent of the crime his was imprisoned for and whilst "on the run" he would risk capture by meeting with the press to plead his innocence.
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