Archive for March 21st, 2016

11 Single Facts About Bridget Jones’s Diary

There’s another Bridget Jones movie coming out this September: Bridget Jones’s Baby. That’s excuse enough to get another look at the 2001 movie that started it all, Bridget Jones's Diary*/e...

What It's Like To Lick A Venus Flytrap

Sticking your tongue in a Venus flytrap is in no way a good idea, but if you enjoy watching people do stupid stuff that may scar them for life then you'll appreciate MrNakedLandscaper's sacrifice.(YouTube Link)I must be...

Compassionate Grocery Store Manager Offers Shoplifter a Job Instead of Jail

(Photo: Rocket News 24)The shoplifter entered a Tesco supermarket in Burkit Mertajam, Malaysia. He was unemployed and his wife was comatose due to complications from childbirth. He was, in short, desperate.He grabbed $6....

Video Games From An Onlooker's Perspective

Playing a video game in public may cause people to become curious about what you're playing, and before you know it the onlookers have begun to gawk and crane.These vicarious thrill-seekers keep their thoughts to themsel...

Extremely Satisfying Video of 6,000 Matches Lighting

[](Video Link)The good folks at HTD arrange 6,000 matches into a tight rectangle. Then they light a single match in the corner. That one ignites, then spreads to its fire to its...

11-Year-Old Takes Cement Mixer on Joyride

Poursuite policière au Minnesota. Le fuyard: un jeune de 11 ans au volant d'une bétonnière!— Jean-François Guérin (@jfguerintv...

Fashion Illustrator Clothes Women with Food

Edgar Artis, a professional fashion illustrator, sometimes draws dresses that you'll never see on the runway. Recently, he's been drawing women wearing dresses made out of food. His vivid gowns include lemon slices, kiwi...

Rolling LEGO BB-8

Mark Smiley designed a LEGO BB-8 droid that really rolls! Not only that, but the project is a building set submitted to LEGO Ideas (formerly LEGO CUUSOO), which means if enough people like it, the LEGO corporation will c...

Michael Jackson's Chimp Bubbles Is Getting His Own Biopic

Michael Jackson's chimpanzee Bubbles was undeniably overshadowed by his famous human, but some people feel Bubbles should be allowed to shine and tell his side of the MJ story.Well Bubbles superfans you're about to sleep...

City Smash Bros. - Who Is That Masked Man With The Moustache?

City Smash Bros. by Prime PremneIf there's one thing those characters from Nintendopolis know it's how to smash stuff, so when a portal linking their world to the world of the DC superheroes opened up after a flash fire...

Cat Collects Men’s Underwear

Brigit lives in Hamilton, New Zealand. Her hobby is collecting men’s underwear. Brigit’s owner, Sarah Nathan, would catch the cat burglar with a sock every now and then, but did not realize the extent of her...

People Dishing Out Some Pretty Serious Burns On Facebook

(Image Link)Have you ever seen a response posted to social media that everyone else on the thread felt was a burn even though it barely had enough heat to warm your hands?That's because people love to overuse terms like...

Ukulele Batman v Unipiper Superman: Dawn of Craziness

Batman is sitting in the park, just minding his own business and playing the Batman theme on his ukulele, when he is suddenly drowned out by Superman playing bagpipes on a unicycle. Just another day in Portland.[https://...

11 Great BB-8 Cosplays

BB-8, the adorable droid star of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens has rolled into our hearts. He's smart, handy, and, above all, cute. So he's naturally inspired many Star Wars fans to create co...


Set 100 years after George Orwell’s 1984, this dystopian scenario is, once again, about Big Brother and the state bending people into obedient sheep. But when you try to take away everyone’s free wil...

8 Churches Converted into Modern Homes

(Photo: Jim Tshetter)Now here's a fresh, vibrant look for a kitchen! And the dining area offers a great view for a breakfast.It was a hundred-year old church in the Little Italy neighborhood of Chicago. But Linc Thelen D...

Woman Pulls Double Decker Bus Plus Passengers With Her Hair

Asha Rani earned her nickname “The Iron Queen” the hard way- by pulling off stunts that prove she's more than equal to any physical task.But when it came to setting a world record Asha wanted to go above and...

Bridezilla Cake

If a friend asks you to be a bridesmaid this year, and you want to send her a subtle warning about becoming too uptight over wedding plans, this cake might do the trick. Imagine bringing this to a bridal shower! If she d...

Glow-in-the-Dark Tendril Dresses Writhe When You Look at Them

It's not polite to stare, but you'll be in for quite a show if you do so at these dresses by Ying Gao. He's a textile artist in Québec. Gao calls this project from 2014 (No)where (Now)here.It consists of...

Aerial Archaeology

The following article is from Uncle John’s Factastic Bathroom Reader.If you had to list the tools an archaeologist uses, you’d probably include a pick, a shovel, and maybe a trowel, a brush, or e...

Power Loader - Stop That Droid, He's Out Of Control!

Power Loader by Ed HarringtonFor decades R2D2 has been wishing he had legs that would allow him to walk instead of roll around and arms that could actually lift stuff instead of just jutting out, so when they discovered...

Pasta Hair Packaging

As you roll your shopping cart through the grocery store, you glance at your shopping list. The next item is pasta. But which among the many brands will catch your eye first?Nikita, a designer in Moscow, makes this sugge...

Disabled Cat Has a Need for Speed

[] (YouTube link)Cassidy was a feral kitten missing his rear paws. He was taken in by TinyKittens, and regained his health. Then he got a gift of a wheelchair and really took off! Since then,...

Sculpture of the Predator at the Dentist

The Predator forgot the dental module of his med-kit while packing for his hunting trip on Earth. Now he's having a rough time at the dentist's office.Artist Simon Lee made this funny, detailed sculpture after listening...

Russian Military Punishes Soldiers By Making Them Carry Large Wooden Props

In Soviet era Russia crimes were punished far more severely than they are today, and soldiers who questioned authority could be shot or sent to work in a Gulag camp for their insubordination.But Russian soldiers no longe...

Dog Maternity Photo Shoot

Lilica is simply glowing with joy. It's no wonder! She's a new mommy. That's why her human's friend, Ana Paula Grillo, gave her a professional-grade photo shoot. Grillo tells The Dodo that Lilica was smiling and enjoying...

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