The Secret Trash Museum in New York

Nelson Molina was a sanitation worker in New York City who, 30 years ago, began to collect some of the more notable items he found among the garbage to decorate his locker. His collection grew, and eventually took over the second floor of a sanitation truck depot in East Harlem. There are works of art, antiques, musical instruments, and even trophies. Molina has since retired, but his gallery still stands. The Treasures in the Trash collection is not normally open to the public, but tours are scheduled occasionally. Dylan Thuras of Atlas Obscura went there to take pictures, which gives us a virtual tour of the amazing collection of things people throw out.

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Wow. Some of that stuff looks like it's worth something. I bet if they ever needed money, they could get some good money out of that stuff. Wish it were a thrift store though... some of that stuff I wouldn't mind having! Awesome.
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