Felicia Day is a geek goddess, a force for good who has helped nerd kind crawl out from behind their computers, comic books and consoles to be embraced by mainstream society.
Therefore she deserves a wardrobe befitting a woman of her lofty stature, something that is both regal and totally geeky, and that something is this amazing suit of 3D printed Dreamer Regalia armor.
The armor was created by New York based artist Melissa Ng of Lumecluster, who used 3D software to design the dress and had the whole thing printed up by Shapeways, which Felicia graciously modeled for photos by Eric Anderson.
Melissa's 3D printed armor is being called "the future of cosplay" with good reason- if cosplay artists are able to use 3D software to model elements of their costume, if not the entire costume, then print the whole thing out the future is now!
Read more about Melissa's amazing 3D printed armor at Geek & Sundry