Archive for March 10th, 2016

French Fry Rap

Learn how to make proper french fries with a little song from the YouTube channel You Suck at Cooking (previously at Neatorama)! The steps may be hard to follow in the song, but the video gives you all the instruction yo...

A Personality Quiz That Promises To Reveal Your "True Self"

(Image Link)The internet provides us with a seemingly endless number of self improvement resources, including massive information sites, tons of tutorials and all the personality quizzes you can handle.This is about one...

Serious News Broadcast Interrupted by Dog on a Riding Lawnmower

[](Video Link)A news crew from KYTX CBS 19 News went out to survey and report on the damage caused by a tornado in Malakoff, Texas. Reporter Andrea Martinez was ready to deliver...

Delightful Hairstyles History Has Forgotten

Since the overall dress code has become far more casual in the 21st century younger generations will grow up unaware of all the fun people used to have with their hair.There will probably be a few hairdo revivals as futu...

Cat Envies Hamster's Exercise Wheel, Makes Her Own

Rocket News 24 reports that Twitter user @pyonpyon_chang's cat likes to sit atop her hamster's cage and watch the rodent spin around in his exercise wheel. The cat was envious of this toy.So he found one used by the huma...

PSA Squad - Keeping The World Super Safe One Lesson At A Time

PSA Squad by Oliver BanksWhen the world is full of ignorance and preventable disasters the PSA Squad springs into action to teach people a lesson...about safety! Armed only with a shovel and a catchphrase, Smokey Bear s...

The Simpsons Voice Actors Do Their Thing

Fans of The Simpsons have come to know the many characters of Springfield by the familiar voices coming out of animated drawings, but of course we also know the names behind those voices, since they’ve bee...

Actual Job: Wine Librarian

(Photo: Ralf Smallkaa)On Wednesday, I wrote about the cheese librarian position open at the American Cheese Society. This was the subject of much discussion on librarian Twitter. Some librarians mentioned that there is a...

The Forgotten History Of Fat Men's Clubs

Until rather recently in human history, obesity was a sign of wealth. Who could afford to eat  more than they needed without working it off? Wealthy people. The tail end of that idea overlapped with the fad for join...

Can You Find the Dog Hidden on This Bed?

Imgur member i4got2pinthecrystals took this photo of her dog, who knows that she's not allowed on the bed. But "She thinks if she sits really still, i won't see her." And with good reason! The dog is a trained ninja who...

Eleven Stories Posted Online That Are Obviously Total Bull-Pucky

(Image Link)The internet is like a farm in a few key ways-  1. it takes many people working together to keep it going strong, 2- stories are always popping up and growing online and 3. there's a whole lot of BS spre...

Darth Jar Jar

What if the plot of the Star Wars prequels had taken a left turn and Jar Jar Binks had ended up as a Sith Lord? This question was put to Ahmed Best, who played the voice of Jar Jar. At least he could show us wha...

Puppy or Bagel?

They're both delicious, but only one goes well when sliced in half and covered with cream cheese.Karen Zach, an artist in Portland and Seattle, likes to make optical illusions by stacking similar forms close together. In...

Watch Out For Exploding Killer Lakes

Exploding killer lakes may sound like the subject of a Stephen King novel but they're actually out there, waiting to strike with a CO2 cloud that suffocates every living creature in its path by sucking the oxygen out of...

Baby Human and Baby Jaguar Having Breakfast

[](Video Link)Bella is an 8-month old human. Juma is a 1-month old jaguar. They're friends thanks to Bella's father, Airton Katsuyama. He rescues wild animals in Gói...

The Fastest-Growing Fast Food Company in Every State

No matter how you personally feel about fast food restaurants, there's no denying they are some of the most popular restaurants in all of America. Some might even argue you can tell a lot about someone based on their fav...

Batman Vs Joker - Crazy Is Not The Term I'd Use To Describe Your New Look...

Batman Vs. Joker by AlbertocubatasHe'd been battling the clown prince of crime for decades, but there was something about the Joker's new look that made the Caped Crusader's blood boil. Why had he decided to update his...

Syrian Refugees and Furries

@ziyatong I was there! The refugees loved us, children especially. I'm glad we made their transition to Canada fun.— Dray (@LiveitRivet) March 8, 2016 The fifth annual VancouFur conven...

These Little Clone Troopers Are A Bit Off

Clone troopers are created in a cookie cutter way for a reason- they must live up to Sith standards and need to be physically able to crush insurrections in the name of the Empire.Usually the clone creation process goes...

The Surprising Resurgence of Riding Side Saddle

(Photo: John Harwood)The story goes that in 1382, Princess Anne of Bohemia rode across Europe to meet and marry King Richard II of England. She rode on a special saddle designed to protect her hymen from being ruptured,...

Did Charlie Brown's Baseball Team Ever Win a Game?

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Charlie Brown made his “Peanuts" debut on October 2, 1950. On Mar...

An Incredibly Realistic, Life-Sized Groot Costume

Sure, "We are Groot," but it takes a special person to actually become Groot -especially in a full-sized costume. On Instructables, you can learn how to become just such a special person by making your own cosplay. ...

Every Year, This Penguin Swims 5,000 Miles to Visit the Man Who Saved His Life

(Photo: Globo TV)5 years ago, Joao Pereira de Souza, 71, of Brazil found a penguin lying on the beach near his home near Rio de Janeiro. He was covered with oil and severely malnourished. So de Souza took him home, clean...

Guy Who Claims He Quit Smoking Caught By Google Street View Camera

(Image Link)When you tell your friends and family that you're trying to quit smoking they can become like your own personal secret police, shadowing your every move to make sure you don't try to sneak a smoke.This can le...

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