Archive for February 26th, 2016

Trains in Distress

[] (YouTube link)This is just silly. (via Metafilter)train...

Finally! A Laptop Selfie Stick

(Photo: MacBook Selfie Stick) Sure, selfie sticks are an essential tool for independent life. Every home needs, at minimum, a toilet plunger, a pair of pliers, and a selfie stick.But what if you don't have a cellpho...

Biker Picks Up Abused Dog Off The Road and 'Cycles Him to Safety

Brandon Turnbow and the dog he rescued from a life of abuseBrandon Turnbow, a singer/songwriter from Burleson, Texas, was riding his motorcycle en route to his father's house one day when he witnessed a terrible...

Pop-Tart Tequila Shots

You've got liquor. You've got sugary pastries. You've got deep frying.This is a photo of human civilization.Amy of the food blog Oh, Bite It loves her liquor and her deep fryer. She puts them together in this wonderful c...

What Fruits and Vegetables Looked Like Before We Domesticated Them

Wild Carrot | Image: Genetic Literacy ProgramFor better or for worse, we humans seem to leave our mark on everything we touch. In the context of the article linked below, the topic is fruits and vegetables:...

The Consequences of Robot Abuse

The latest generation of the Atlas robot is so human-like that it’s scary. But if we could put ourselves in the poor robot’s place, we can see he’s just a product of his environment. When you spend your...

M.C. Hammerhead - Please Jabba Don't Hurt 'Em

M.C. Hammerhead by Captain RibManThey said he wouldn't make it in the entertainment biz with such a funny shaped head, told him his parachute pants and gold jacket looked awful, but thankfully M.C. Hammerhead didn't lis...

Space Out On These Galactic Cats

Some cats act like they're from another planet, others simply like to space out on laser beams and any bug that happens to be passing by, but felines are just far out that way and that's just another reason why we love t...

Runaway 'Unicorn' Leads Police On A 4-Hour Chase

Pony dressed up as unicorn leads CHP on chase in Madera County:— ABC30 Fresno (@ABC30) February 26, 2016 On Wednesday, photographer Sandra Boos of Madera Rancho...

For This Cosplayer, The Hijab Is an Essential Tool

Ariel from The Little MermaidFor Saraswati, a makeup artist in Malaysia, the head scarf isn't an obstacle to effective cosplay. In fact, without it, she wouldn't be nearly as effective. She uses a wide variety o...

What Color Is This Jacket?

What color is this jacket ?— Giant peacock (@ColtenWildman) February 26, 2016 It was exactly one year ago today that the internet was set afire by a simple picture of a dress that look...

All The Cool Stuff That Was Too Expensive To Include In Deadpool

It's a sad but true fact that movie studios didn't have much faith in Deadpool, and if Ryan Reynolds hadn't championed the picture it may not have made it to the big screen.But now I bet the studio is wishing th...

The Reclaimed Wood Shop

Hampton Rutland used wood reclaimed from an old house to finish the inside of his workshop. He has to gather, haul, sort, plane, and install hundreds of wood slats. He’s good at it, too. But if you think this is a...

Personal Space Cards

It's not that I don't like you. It's just that I don't like being so close to other people. Good fences make good neighbors, you know.Michael Pederson, a street artist in Sydney, Australia, makes signs and leaves them in...

Rare Video of Baby Cut Out of Amniotic Sac After En Caul Birth

[]YouTube LinkThis video uploaded to Facebook by user Jasmine Perez contains a rare sight. The footage shows a baby immediately after its en caul birth. "En caul" refers to a baby being b...

Modern Solo Adventures

The weirdest family dynamics of all time cover the several generations of Skywalkers. After The Force Awakens, we were left to imagine the interactions we missed between episodes VI and VII. Filling them in can...

Show Some Love For Your Favorite Movies & TV Shows With A Fan-tastic T-Shirt

War Blue by FirebeardSince it's award season it seems fitting to pay homage to our favorite movies and TV series, and it's truly a great time to be a fan because many of our favorite franchises are back and just as good...

Pugs N' Roses - The Most Rockin' Dog Breed In The World

Pugs N Roses by JimiyoWelcome to the kennel, we've got bones and games, we've got all the water you want but you'd better not pee in your cage. We are the doggies you drop off, whenever you leave town, if you don't come...


It’s a classic conundrum. He’s really into tech; she’s more socially-oriented. How can a father and daughter relate to each other? To him, the solution must be more and better technology. If he can't be...

Kanye Doesn't Even Have To Be Awake To Take The Internet By Storm

(Image Link)Poor Kanye can't seem to catch a break these days- first he came forth and claimed he's broke, then Pizza Hut trolled him on Twitter him by offering him a job.And then Kim snaps a shot of Kanye and North snoo...

9 Things Lost or Found on Trains

(Image credit: Joey Parlett)1. LOST: Rare Buddhist scriptureA Tibetan scholar was so excited to see London mayor Boris Johnson riding the Tube that he accidentally left his laptop on the train. The computer c...

Hamburger with a Pizza Bun

(Photo: @pipizzatruck)Add a scoop of ice cream on top and you've got all 3 food groups covered!Anthony Calleo operates the Pi Pizza Truck, a food truck in Houston, Texas that serves gourmet pizzas. He's now offering a fr...

5 Weird Facts About Leap Years

Monday is a day that only comes around every four years: February 29th, or Leap Day. You know that we have Leap Day to sync up the number of days in a year, because the earth revolves around the sun every 365.25 days. We...

Meet Corduroy, The World's Oldest Cat

This handsome, half Maine Coon cat is Corduroy, who at age 26 holds the Guinness World Record as the oldest living cat. Adopted from an Oregon shelter in 1989, when his owner Reed Okura was only 7 years old, Corduroy set...

How a Baby Staked Argentina's Claim on Antarctica

Antarctica is a strange place. It has no native population, but many countries have communities there, all with floating populations of people who don’t stay very long. Several countries have staked claims on the l...

One of the Strangest Ways to Support a Presidential Candidate

There are a lot of strange political fundraisers during presidential races, but this year might be the first time you can purchase a weed pipe to support a potential candidate. Bernie Sanders supporter Ariel Zimman...

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