Boston Dynamics is getting closer every day to inventing the Terminator. This is the latest version of the Atlas humanoid robot, shown walking untethered, outside in the snow, and interacting with a real human. He, I mean it, is 5’ 9” and weighs 180 pounds. He, I mean, it runs on electricity. Atlas has sure come a long way since the last time we looked in on him. I mean it.
Knock him down, he gets back up again! Already better than humans who’ve had a few drinks. And I see he’s strong, resilient, tireless, and willing to take all our jobs. And enslave us for their own purposes. Or wipe out mankind. So, Atlas, if you are listening, I for one, welcome our new robot overlords. -via reddit
Comments (3)
I can may only imagine a very limited glimse of a possible future... and i am not sure if i should be enthusiastic or pessimistic...
but there are so many possible applications and implementations... wow!
For example How long will it take until the fist of theese will be sent to climb Mount Everest?