You’ve read enough about cheetahs right here at Neatorama to know that more than two cubs in a litter is unusual. A cheetah named Addison at the San Diego Zoo gave birth in November to a litter of six cubs! She’s a prolific cheetah -her only other litter had four cubs. The zoo says the number was a surprise.
Although Addison’s previous litter was good-sized, this one came as a little bit of a surprise. “A radiograph had shown she was definitely carrying three cubs, and possibly a fourth,” explains Jillian King, a senior keeper at the Cheetah Breeding Center. But when the staff arrived on November 21, 2015 and checked the closed-circuit cameras in the den, they counted half a dozen squeaking, squirming, bitsy bundles of spotted fluff.
At twelve weeks of age, the cheetahs are beginning to show signs of growing up. -via Uproxx
(Image credit: San Diego Zoo)
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