Men Play Bagpipes at McDonald's at 3:40 AM, Get into Fight

(Unrelated photo via Bryan Ledgard)

When is an appropriate time to play the bagpipes to strangers? What is the appropriate location? If you answered "McDonald's at 3:40 in the morning," then there are at least 2 men in Scotland who agree with you.

Calum Graham and Allan Gilruth had just been to a wedding. They were hungry, and so went to a McDonald's in Perth, Scotland. Both were wearing full Scottish regalia, and one--Gilruth--had a set of bagpipes. He was in a celebratory mood, and so decided to play them.

Another diner commented his disapproval with this decision. Naturally, Gilruth punched him. The Courier quotes prosecutor Jim Eodanable:

“One of the parties made a comment which was taken the wrong way and Mr Gilruth punched the complainer. He falls to the ground and on the way down strikes his head off a seat in the booth.

“That complainer’s friend then comes over to assist and the second accused then steps forward and swings a punch at him. The blow was deflected but it does strike the complainer.

“Fortunately for all concerned the injuries were not serious. Police were contacted.”

Graham and Gilruth were fined for their defense of public order. The lout who spoke ill of the bagpipes apparently escaped punishment.

-via Nothing to Do with Aborath

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Here's how it was misintended:
One of the pipers was smoking outside, but threw his cigarette out before going into the McDonalds. One of the Scottish customers commented that, "You shmell like ash." Then it went down.
Bet you can guess who that Scottish customer was.
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