Archive for February 3rd, 2016

Why is Deadpool So Ugly?

The Marvel movie Deadpool opens February 12. You might not know all that much about the character if you haven’t been reading comics. He’s not exactly a superhero as we understand the term, although...

Reporter Confuses Giant Mushroom in His Hand for a Microphone

[](Video Link)The Turkish reporter is interviewing the man on the left while holding a microphone. For reasons that are unclear, he's holding a giant mushroom in his other hand....

And Don’t Call Me Shirley

The 1980 movie Airplane! was a parody of the disaster films so popular at that time. Written and directed by Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, and Jerry Zucker, it placed a whole slew of dramatic actors into a generic...

Chuky - Batteries And Blood Transfusions Not Included

Chuky by Ed HarringtonThe Good Guy factory was closed down for a reason, and yet some mad toymaker felt the line should continue to be produced despite all that happened to that poor child when one of the CHUKY model do...

Antique Mousetrap in a Museum Catches a Mouse

(Photo: University of Reading)The Museum of English Rural Life in Reading, UK has many artifacts from a much older, lost Britain. Among them is a 155-year old mousetrap. The appropriately-named Perpetual Mouse Trap by Co...

ER Cast Reunion with George Clooney and Jimmy Kimmel

Jimmy Kimmel staged a reunion of he medical drama ER last night on his show. George Clooney was there, but could Kimmel get anyone else to show up? Yes, but it wasn’t who you’d expect.[https://youtu....

Baby Swordfish Fits on the Tip of a Finger

(Photo: Juan C. Levesque)He's perhaps only an inch long. But in a year, he could be over 3 feet long! Juan C. Levesque, a graduate student and fisheries professional, says that the broadbill swordfish (Xiphias gladiu...

The Super Bowl Baby Choir

It seems that the city that wins the Super Bowl sees a spike in births exactly nine months later. Isn't that sweet. The NFL collected a whole bunch of those babies together to sing a song to promote the 50th Super Bowl....

The Full Ranking of the Fastest-Talking States in US

(Photo: US Fish and Wildlife Service)Can you talk as fast an auctioneer at work? Then perhaps you’re from Oregon. According to a study conducted by Marchex, a mobile advertising analytics firm, people from Ore...

The World's Longest-Running Experiment

We thought the Pitch Drop experiments took a long time, but a botany experiment at Michigan State University started in 1879, and is scheduled to continue until the year 2100! Dr. William James Beal wanted to find out ho...

Fluffy Omurice with Jun and Haku

After a trip to the grocery store, Jun (previously at Neatorama) cooks an omelet with chicken and rice while Haku watches respectfully from the top of the refrigerator. I wish my knives were that sharp, maybe I'd try tha...


Cheetos. Not even once. Those little balls of fried corn fluff covered in orange powder are so addictive, you’ll never know what hit you until it’s too late. Then you’ll need an intervention from those...

Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You" As Sung By Cookie Monster

Mazzy Star's "Fade Into You" is one of those songs that tends to evoke a romantic or maudlin feeling in the listener, and the song was definitely crafted to evoke all those feels.But when somebody sings a song their way...

Thirteen of the Most Memorable Movie Psychopaths

Psychopaths just. Don’t. Care. They operate outside the entire moral and social structure we’ve built for civilization, while they understand that structure well enough to exploit it for their own ends. You n...

The Great Monster - Let Sleeping Gods Lie

The Great Monster by Buby87The Great Old One known as Cthulhu is more than just a slumbering god who can bring about the end of life on Earth as we know it- he's also a classic monster. Frankenstein's creation wouldn't...

The Origins Of Fifteen Strange Southern Dish Names

Southern food is known for being extremely filling, utterly delicious and often strangely named, with some of the names making a delicious dish actually sound disgusting.Take chit'lins for example- sounds gross, tastes g...

15 Facts about Coffee

[] (YouTube link)Coffee is the nectar of life. Or at least, the nectar of the morning. And it’s not too bad after dinner, either. You already drink it; now learn some facts about your co...

Policeman Answers Routine Call, Falls in Love With Puppy

Marcus Montgomery is a police officer with the Fort Walton Beach, Florida police department. When a situation regarding a prior employee arose at the Panhandle Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), Montgomery went to the facili...

Zookeepers Apprehend Escaped Zebra in Annual Drill

Embed from Getty Images Zookeepers in many places hold drills to practice catching an escaped animal, but zoos in Japan have elevated such drills to public relations events, with a zookeeper wearing an animal cost...

Two Men Catch on Video the Moment They Are Nearly Struck by Lightning

[]YouTube LinkMeanwhile in Australia, where people with charming accents are about to be killed by All of The Things, a storm is blowing in. In this NSFW-clip-due-to-profanities-shouted-by-two...

Elvis Presley's Best Film

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.When you say "best" concerning movies, or any other art form, you get i...

The History of Japan

Bill Wurtz compressed the history of Japan into nine minutes. Those nine minutes fly by as momentous changes happen. He saves time by dispensing with things like names and dates, because you wouldn’t remember them...

Violent Vintage Valentines: Just the Thing for Budding Serial Killers or Other Deviants

You're THE Girl I'd Like to Run Down With My Pre-Safety Features Death Trap of an Auto!It's not uncommon to hear conversations among young parents about how the children of today have to be much better supervise...

Star Wars as a Grindhouse Film

Mashable remixed the original Star Wars to more resemble a Grindhouse movie. While the effect is jarring, this trailer makes the movie look like pretty much any other science fiction film from the mid-1970s. In...

The Annual Gathering of Twins in Twinsburg, Ohio

What's it like to be a twin? The New Yorker went to Twin Days, an annual convention of twins in the appropriately named Ohio town of Twinsburg. There, one half of a twin set described how their mother tended to...

Finn, The Barbarian - Ooo, Look At His Muscles!

Finn, The Barbarian by Anderson Green DevilJake the dog doesn't see Finn for what he truly is, because he has no point of reference outside their life in the Land of Ooo. But if Finn existed in our world he would most c...

Cat Becomes Cleopatra

This attractive cat got himself (or herself) into a bit of a jam. He stuck his head into a vase, couldn’t get his head out, then freaked out and broke the vase. For a while he had a stylish ceramic collar, reminisc...

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