The Street Sharks arrived at the end of the mutant animal craze started by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and yet their character designs had just as much appeal and longevity as the TMNT.
Many budding artists watched the animated TV show and played with the toys only to have their later artwork inspired by those gnarly shark-human hybrids.
As it turns out a budding actor had his life changed by the Street Sharks too- Vin Diesel, who proudly demonstrated Street Shark toys at Toy Fair in 1994, back before he became Fast, Furious or Chronicled.
This video was filmed four years before Vin appeared in Saving Private Ryan and seven years before The Fast And The Furious, and it made me realize that Vin the nerd is way cooler than Diesel the furious.
-Via GeekTyrant