Albert Goering, Brother of a Nazi and Hero of the Holocaust

Hermann Goering (left) was a devoted Nazi, an early supporter of Adolf Hitler, and eventually the senior commander of the Luftwaffe, Nazi Germany’s air force. He was a war criminal of the highest order and well on his way to a proper hanging before he killed himself with a secret cyanide pill.

His brother, Albert (right), was quite different. In fact, at great risk to his own life, Albert Goering rescued dozens of Jews from concentration camps. Here’s how the Daily Mail describes one of his many daring escapades during the Holocaust:

Albert, it emerged, had not only lobbied his brother to release individual prisoners from Dachau, but also forged Hermann’s signature on documents that allowed anti-Nazi activists and Jews to escape Hitler’s henchmen.

He took company trucks and drove away inmates as ‘forced labourers’ before parking in secluded areas and allowing them to escape.

Albert Goering was nearly tried as a war criminal due to his family connections. It was only at the intervention of the Jews that he rescued that he was able to escape prosecution. Albert went on to die in 1966 in obscurity. But now Yad Vashem, the Israeli organization that honors gentiles who rescued Jews during the Holocaust, may honor with the title of Righteous among the Nations.

-via Ace of Spades HQ

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