In Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, the lovable rogue Han Solo is a dad. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I imagine that Han probably rags on his son Kylo Ren in an affectionate way. That's how dads build good relationships with their kids.
Ben, guess why your mother always picks where the rebels hide out Because she knows how to Leia low! Your mother is a treasure
— Dad Joke Han Solo (@dadjokehansolo) January 12, 2016
The movie has inspired Peter Chiykowski, the artist for the webcomic Rock, Paper, Cynic, to create a Twitter feed filled with Han Solo's lame dad jokes.
How do X-Wing pilots cheat on tests? They copy Red Leader. #xwing #dadjoke #getitBen?
— Dad Joke Han Solo (@dadjokehansolo) January 12, 2016
What did Qui-Gon Gin get for going shopping at the Darth Mall? HALF OFF! Darth Mall cut him in half with his lightsaber you see
— Dad Joke Han Solo (@dadjokehansolo) January 12, 2016
Ben remember when I fell down a chute into the trash compactor? That really got me down in the DUMPS! Okay it wasn't a dump but was close
— Dad Joke Han Solo (@dadjokehansolo) January 12, 2016
Ben asked me why I don't drink beer before liquor I told him it's because Han always does shots first! He’s too young to drink though
— Dad Joke Han Solo (@dadjokehansolo) January 12, 2016
-via Jeremy Barker
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