Gimli, son of Glóin and member of the Fellowship of the Ring, was a simple dwarf of simple tastes and so preferred a simple long-stemmed pipe. But Instagram member SV Pipes Design in Tirana, Albania has more refined desires and the skills to match. He carved this ornate design that looks like the great hero of The Lord of the Rings.
-via Technabob
Comments (0)
(oops forgot the selection)
XXL - Science
L - Happy Face - Ash Gray
ORLY Ladies L Chocolate
ORLY Ladies L Chocolate
Comic Skulls and Crossbones, (black, small)
Come to the dark side - M
Particle Physics Insult- XL
XXL Master of my domain name shirt
I Heart math (small)
I Heart math (small)
Overate (large)
somehow like this one:
Dark side -- cookies
Support cloning - lrg
L- A Day Without Nuclear Fusion
L- A Day W/ out Nuclear Fusion
I'd like a 4-armed T-shirt, size XXL, so that I can carry away my dead and/or drugged victims without arousing suspicion.
Science XL please.
Elaborately futile and easily disarmed Anti-007 device. (Manufactured by Ronco.)
"Paddle Faster" Green xl
Mmmm Pie - Chocolate - Medium Please
type bike
size m
I Heart Maths XL
Brainer than the average bear (Small)