That's the Most Foul, Cruel and Bad-Tempered Rodent You Ever Set Eyes on

Follow only if ye be men of valor, for the entrance to this cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! Bones of four fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So, brave knights, if you do doubt your courage or your strength, come no further, for death awaits you all with nasty big pointy teeth!

Wait--it's nothing to be concerned about. This isn't the monster of the cave of Caerbannog. A friend of redditor brokebackhill just gave her rabbit a cherry. That's all.

-via Robb Allen

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This summer, we made plum jam. The overripe plums went to our chickens (we have six hens). They would peck at the fruit with their beaks, and stain their beaks with plum juice, while bits of plum hung from them.
I decided that the chickens like eating plums because they get to play "Jurassic Park".
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