The Toilet That You Clean Only Once a Year

(Image: Toto USA)

Wait, let me rephrase that. Unfortunately, we have to be a bit more specific.

There are toilets that are cleaned only once a year. Many of them. Far too many of them. But the difference is that this toilet needs cleaning only once a year.

Toto is a Japanese manufacturer of the world's most advanced toilets. The company has revolutionized the pooping experience with toilets that check your health or travel to where you are. Sitting on a Toto toilet is like riding a time machine that takes you into a futuristic technological utopia.

Toto's latest development in toilet technology is a toilet bowl made with dirt-resistant materials, an internal spraying system, and ultraviolet light. This is presumably done by rerouting warp drive power through the main deflector dish. BBC News explains:

Its self-cleaning process uses a combination of a disinfectant and a glaze - made out of zirconium and titanium dioxide - which coats the bowl.

Once it flushes it sprays the interior of the bowl with electrolysed water," explained Toto spokeswoman Lenora Campos.

She said the "proprietary process" essentially turns the water into a weak bleach.

"This bleaches the interior, killing anything in the bowl," said Ms Campos.

Meanwhile an ultraviolet light in the lid charges the surface.

That makes it super-hydrophilic - or water-loving, so nothing can stick to it - and also photocatalytic, enabling oxygen ions to break down bacteria and viruses.

"You don't have to clean the toilet bowl for over a year," said Ms Campos.

-via Dave Barry

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Last time I bought a new toilet, I tried something different. I bought some of that cleaner that says it has Teflon in it, and cleaned the whole thing with it. It wasn't dirty, but still. Then I sprayed the stuff on the porcelain again and let it dry without rinsing. After it was installed, it turned out that nothing would stick to it, not even that blue sanitizer stuff that sometime accumulates in the water entrance port. Nice.
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