Man Experiences Happiest Moment Of His Life When He Finds Rare Magic Card

For many Magic: The Gathering is more than just a card game- it's a passion, an obsession, and a set of playable cards they'll be collecting for the rest of their lives.

Many non-gamers assumed the MTG trend would fade away like Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh, but they were unaware of the power Magic cards have to change a player's life.

(Skip to around 8:00 to see the discovery)

(YouTube Link)

To be fair the Black Lotus card discovered by openboosters in the video is an extremely rare card released around 1993 and valued at over $27,000, but how's he going to feel if he loses with that card in his deck?

-Via Dorkly

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Well, at least the Unlimited Ed Black Lotus stolen from me is not that expensive. Overrated card anyway. I usually draw it when I don't need the mana boost. Now Ancestral Recall (I also had the Unli Ed), that is a card I would never begrudge drawing any time.
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