There's a Musical Concert for Dogs Tonight in New York City

(Photo: vanz)

Laurie Anderson, a performance artist, once had a marvelous dream: "I have this fantasy where I look out, and the whole audience is dogs." 8 years ago, she did so outside of the famous Sydney Opera House. Now she's bringing that experience to the dogs of New York City. Tonight at 11:30, she will perform music that only dogs will be able to hear. Joshua Barone writes for the New York Times:

Dogs and their owners are invited to sit on the red steps of Duffy Square while she performs music that, to passers-by in Times Square, may not sound like much because of the low frequency. Humans can tune in with wireless headphones — there are 350 total — that will be given out beforehand.

What song titles do you think would be most appropriate at a concert for dogs?

-via Joe Carter

Maybe Silent Night? Back when I was a DJ on an alternative music radio station, I'd play Laurie Anderson's "O, Superman". Avant Garde enough for me.
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