Archive for January 4th, 2016

HAN BROWN - The Interplanetary Peanut Gallery

HAN BROWN by Fernando SalaHan and Chewie always dreamed of a simpler life, one where they could lie around all day eating peanuts and counting stars, but the war had other plans for their crooked lives. Smugglers don't...

Fascinatingly Filthy: How Bad Science Saved Lives in Victorian London

Victorian London was a filthy place. There were too many people living too close together without the infrastructure we consider necessary for modern life: electric lights, clean water, sewage service, garbage removal, r...

These Anime GIFs Will Give You That WTF Feeling

(Image Link)It's easy for fans to see why anime is entertaining to watch, but for those who "don't get it" anime is mind boggling, with characters flailing around doing all kinds of weird things that don't make sense.(Im...

When a Horse Photobombs You

Redditor GILDID offers this photo of a massive and, er, majestic horse. Really, he is usually an impressively dignified specimen. But at the moment, he's just mugging for the, photobomb...

Kitty in a Ball Pit

Boomer in his ball pit | Image: CatmantooThe footage in the video below features a gray Bengal cat named Boomer who comes from an lllustrious feline family (his big sister is Didga, a cat who has an amazing tale...

The Underground Street Buried Beneath Keighley’s Royal Arcade

(Image credit: Flickr user simon sugden)In 1901, the town of Keighley, West Yorkshire, UK, built an entirely new shopping district over top of a street of abandoned shops. The street level was adjusted, and new shop owne...

How to Use a Drone as a Blender

The first step is to borrow a friend's quadcopter drone. You certainly wouldn't want to use your own, right?I advise against explaining why you want to borrow the drone.[

Stalking the Wild Parakeet

Budgie rescued after weeks spent outside in the cold in Winnipeg— CBC News (@CBCNews) January 3, 2016 You don’t often see a budgerigar, or common parakeet...

There's a Musical Concert for Dogs Tonight in New York City

(Photo: vanz)Laurie Anderson, a performance artist, once had a marvelous dream: "I have this fantasy where I look out, and the whole audience is dogs." 8 years ago, she did so outside of the famous Sydney Opera House. No...

Transformers- World Leader Edition

Many world leaders claim they possess the inflence and ideas necessary to transform the world, but when they get elected they almost always prove they're only human after all.But once Azerbaijani based digital artist Gun...

Casually Explained: Evolution

A very dry reading of a script accompanies an explanation of evolution. The audio resembles a lecture class so much that you might miss the ridiculous things he says. But the crudely-drawn pictures help.[

Fudge Flake Fractal - Rendered By Winter

Fudge Flake Fractal by Henry SegermanThey say every snowflake is different, comparable to a human fingerprint, but when the snowflake in question is created using a fractal algorithm it's possible to create billions of...

Clip-on Cribs Help Moms Bond with Their Babies

(Photo: Belly Belly)Mothers at the Gelderse Vallei Hospital in the Netherlands can get a new type of bed for their newborn babies while recovering from childbirth. These cribs clip onto maternity beds easily to provide t...

An Honest Ad for a Gym Membership

Did you made a New Year resolution to get into fitness? I did. Maybe you should buy a gym membership. Or maybe not.[] (YouTube link)The latest episode of Cracked’s Honest Ads series expl...

Cold Night? There's a (Delicious) Soup for That

Cheeseburger Soup | Image and Recipe: The Recipe CriticSome meals are not only nutrititious parts of your diet but they can also be problem solvers. Soup is one of those helpful dishes. A hearty soup can be a on...

A Custom Lightsaber Fit For A Time Lord

Even though they're both wildly successful science fiction franchises, the worlds of Doctor Who and Star Wars aren't likely to meet anytime soon, except maybe in a fan-made mashup.But if the two worlds...

10 Legendary Mysteries Involving The Knights Templar

About a year ago, we told you the story of the Knights Templar. They disappeared into the mists of history, leaving many questions unanswered. Seven hundred years later, we still don’t know what became of them and...

Grandmas Drink Fireball Whisky For The First Time

They say wine is fine but liquor is quicker, and some varieties of booze are known for getting folks drunk extra fast, like White Lightning or that spicy new hangover in a bottle called Fireball.These potent liquors pack...

Bear Cub or Puppy?

Remember the guy who bought a pair of bear cubs thinking they were dogs? This picture shows how that can happen. TheRedFoxx posted this picture to reddit with the title Somebody brought this bear into doggie day care. It...

Lighting Natural Gas under a Frozen Lake

Rune Pettersen carefully walks over the frozen lake. He taps his knife on the ice to break the surface. Then he holds a lit match next to the hole. Boom! [](Video Link)What's h...

A Few Facts About MAD Magazine

Let's learn something about MAD magazine, courtesy of Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Attack of the Factoids.IT’S A MAD, MAD WORLD From 1952 until 1955, MAD wa...

Melted Chocolate Sphere

Pour hot chocolate or caramel sauce over the sphere. It melts quickly, revealing an ice cream treat inside. It's a luxurious and beautiful dessert that I want to eat right now. [

A Knight Of Ren - The Dark Side's Rising Star

A Knight Of Ren by Shamus BeyaleTo some Lord Vader was a fanatical leader and a heavy handed force choker, but to Kylo Ren Darth was an inspiration. His helmeted head inspired fear in even the most steadfast supporter o...


The great thing about comics is that you can make the characters do all those horrible things that cross your mind, but would never do in real life. This is a totally alien scenario for me, because I’ve never lived...

Researchers Plan to Build 3D Model of Temple Destroyed by Isis

The Temple of Bel in Syria was an ancient structure built all the way back Mesopotamia. It managed to survive up until August of last year, when ISIS destroyed the building. Now as both a way to honor our histo...

The Montreal Melon: The Caviar of Cantaloupe

In the 19th century, a few farming families in Montreal grew a delicious variety of cantaloupe called the Montreal melon. This melon grew quickly to 15-20 pounds, and had a delicious green flesh that became a “snob...

Arnold Schwarzenegger's Bizarre Japanese Ramen Commercials

It's not like he needed the money. In the late 80s and early 90s, Arnold Schwarzenegger's acting career was already at its peak. Nonetheless, he did several Japanese-market commercials for Nissin's line of ramen. *strong...

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