I'm sure you've heard stories about how San Francisco is quickly catching up to New York in terms of cost of living and overinflated rent prices (the prices in the illustration above are for one bedroom).
However I think even the most desperate renter wouldn't be willing to pay $500 a month to live in this crawl space.
A post appeared on Craigslist advertising this crawl space as a rental property, which was quickly removed because it was probably just a joke posted by a San Franciscan with a knack for crafting social commentary.
Here's how the original post read:
With rent skyrocketing in San Francisco, desperate times call for desperate measures and we recently came up with the idea to rent our crawl space out to cash strapped young San Franciscans.
We aren't going to sugar coat this, as you can see by the photos, this is a basement crawl space and the ground is un-even. My roommate Neil has agreed to help out and level off the dirt crawl floor and we have some scraps of rug to throw down. There is a decent amount of room for a mattress and night stand and you can keep a dresser in the garage. You will be able to run an extension cord into the crawl space for light and the garage provides decent heat for those chilly SF nights or feel free to bring in a space heater.
About You:
Since you'll have access to our bathroom and kitchen, we don't want any slobs! It would be great if you were also in tech so that we can talk shop but that is not a deal breaker, perhaps you are a founder still looking to get that seed round and this is all you can afford!
We'll be hosting an open house this weekend to pick our next crawlspace housemate!
Sadly this sort of thing has happened for real in New York, so it's only a matter of time before somebody tries to rent out every square inch of their home in SF.
-Via The Daily Dot
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