Display My Ashes in One of These Star Wars Urns

That is: eventually. There's no rush. But when my time comes, the right way to store my remains after my burning my body in a pyre while I am dressed in a Darth Vader costume is with one of these urns offered by Urns for Ashes. My preference is for the Vader urn. But if it is possible to commission a custom urn, then a ceramic Jar Jar really captures the true me.

Darren Williams, the owner of the Oxford, UK-based company, tells CNET that since the release of The Force Awakens, the demand for his Star Wars turns has skyrocketed:

In fact, Darren Williams told CNET's Crave blog that they have quickly become one of his best-selling products, with inquiries seeing a 300 percent increase since Star Wars fever hit consumers as the new film approached.

When the urns went up on his site at the beginning of last month, he was getting about 400 inquiries per week, he said. Then around the November 11 -- probably because interest in the new film was beginning to snowball -- those requests skyrocketed to more than 1,300 per week.

-via Technabob

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