Don't you hate it when articles claim they contain pictures that literally everyone will find (insert adjective here)?
If you said yes then please don't hold it against me when I present you with a link to an article full of Pictures Literally Everyone Will Relate To.
And if you said "no, I have no problem with the overuse of the word "literal" in blog articles and/or titles" then let's be friends!
Seriously though, this is one of those silly little picture roundups that somehow manages to be ridiculously relatable, like that crazy drawer full of crap in your house relatable.
But if you find yourself looking through the entire collection and can't relate to a single image I'm truly sorry to have wasted your time.
But you may want to consider cramming all kinds of random crap into a drawer in your house, because it's really fun to dig through when you're trying to find something!