Milk aisle at the grocery store | Image: AshokaJegroo
During this season of rich and plentiful foods, we often want to share the wealth with our beloved pets. Yet it's not fun later when a dog has digestive issues as a result of what they've eaten; both for the dog and the owner. Even worse of a scenario is feeding something to the dog that could put his life at risk.
Such a deadly reaction can happen with xylitol, pictured below in the form of peanut butter. A sweetener often found in nut butters, chewing gum and other products labeled "sugar free," the substance can cause vomiting, lethargy, stupor, seizures, and coma in dogs. It can also cause liver failure due to excessive insulin release and hypoglycemia. Surely nothing to mess around with when it comes to our furry best friends.
Read about 29 things that two prominent veterinarians warn are unhealthy or dangerous to feed dogs in this article. Better safe than sorry. Via The Presurfer
Xylitol, found in many peanut butters | Image: mrsdkrebs / Flickr