Archive for December 13th, 2015

Chewbacca Interviews Scientists about Star Wars Technology

[](Video Link)Chewbacca has taken time out of his very busy filming schedule to host an educational video series with the University of Michigan's College of Engineering. In *em...

The 25 Most Florida Things that Happened in Florida in 2015

The weirdest state in the nation didn’t disappoint us in 2015. Mashable sorted through the headlines of the past year and picked the 25 most thought-provoking. Each have links to the story, like this one about an a...

Star Wars Toys: For the Man-Child in You

[](Video Link)Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens will awaken upon us tomorrow! For 38 years, this ongoing story has warmed the child-like heart in you. Celebrate...

Ten Inventions That Sprung From Celebrity Brains

Eddie Van Halen | Image: Alan LightThe public perception of celebrities often tends to underestimate them in terms of intelligence. It's easy to look superficially at entertainers and other famous people and ass...

Rectangular Shoes

Maria Nina Vaclavek, a Czech fashion designer, made these blocky shoes while she was a student at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Czech Republic. They're a modern-looking design, but Vaclavek's inspiration was...

Cat Whips Tiger

This cat makes his feelings very clear to a stuffed tiger. The interloper is not welcome in his territory! Take that! And that![] (YouTube link)It’s pretty easy to make yourself dominant...

Stingray Gives Birth by C-Section

(Image: Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies)Ripley's Aquarium of the Smokies in Gatlinburg, Tennessee houses several stingrays. A stingray pregnancy usually lasts a year, after which the mama gives birth to live young known...

Nightmare - The Holidays After Halloween

Nightmare by Crumblin' CookieJack has made the holidays the most frightful time of the year, and now those of us who used to creep around in all black wondering where our form of celebration fits in with the rest are no...

Twelve Female Poisoners Who Killed With Arsenic

Image: Wellcome Images via Wikimedia CommonsNeatorama's own Miss Cellania presents us with this historical look at arsenic as a murder weapon; specifically, how women used the substance to do away with thei...

The Most Popular American TV Shows around the World

When people in Indonesia want to watch television programs from the United States, their top pick is the 1989 cartoon The Karate Kid. In Argentina, it's The Simpsons. Romanians prefer Game of Throne...

23 Celebrities With Amazing Hidden Talents

We often assume that actors are nothing but famous faces who memorize lines and look good on camera, but many actors are multifaceted individuals who enjoy doing a lot more than basking in the limelight.Ex-NFL player tur...

The Mailman and the Turkeys

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor band of crazed turkeys will stay these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.[] (YouTube link)A mailman in Falmouth, Massachusetts, ha...

The Paleo Diet of 1916: Poop Like a Cave Man

(Image: Oregon Daily Journal, 21 Sept. 1916)In his natural state, man is not encumbered by social constraints that induce constipation. He, uh, responds to his bodily needs when told by his body. He does not nee...

"Batman 66 Labels" on Twitter Collects Amusing Names of Items From Batman's Bag o' Tricks

BATOSTAT ANTI-FIRE ACTIVATOR— Batman 66 Labels (@BatLabels) November 24, 2015 The Batman television series that ran from 1966-1968 was so lovable, with its combination of...

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