Avid Facebookers often exaggerate about the good and bad parts of their lives, like their sense of self worth is fueled by likes and encouraging comments.
But many of those Facebook friends who brag about their perfect marriages, angelic kids and the idyllic paradises they call home are living a lie, and Keenan McGrath of Scary Mommy is calling them out.
All those amazingly decorated cupcakes sure do impress me, but I’d just love to see the state of your kitchen right now. Oh, and maybe a selfie so I can see the bags under your eyes from staying up until 2 a.m. to finish these, because when the hell else would any normal person have time to make a diorama of the North Pole out of sugar cubes? Also, I’m only about 50-percent sure you didn’t cut and paste that picture from Pinterest to shame us pre-made cupcake moms at the bake sale.
Enough with the BS about “how lucky I am to have such a wonderful husband.” It’s sweet maybe once a year on your anniversary, but otherwise it’s “lucky” you haven’t killed him. If you’ve been married for more than five years and can go for entire weeks without a single complaint about your spouse, then I want whatever drugs you’re on. You can love someone and still want to staple things to their head at least three times a week.
Her hilarious rant picks apart the lies being posted on Facebook every day- it's equal parts harsh truth and exaggeratedly irate monologue taking aim at people who probably aren't on Scary Mommy's friends list anymore.
Read Your Facebook Life Doesn't Fool Me. (Contains NSFW language)