Fan Uses Wikipedia for Backstage Access

David Spargo is a fan of the Australian band Peking Duk. Wednesday night in Melbourne, he went to the backstage area of a concert, where he was stopped by a security guard. Spargo told him he was band member Reuben Styles’ stepbrother. The guard demanded proof, so Spargo pulled up Peking Duk’s Wikipedia page on his phone and pointed out his name. The name he added only a few minutes before. The security guard let him in.  

“It was probably the most genius, mastermind move that I’ve ever witnessed,” said Adam Hyde, Styles’ bandmate. “It’s crazy. He just did it on the spot, in a second on his phone.

“He told the security guard he was our stepbrother or something, and showed them the Wikipedia page and his ID.”

It goes to show, said Hyde, “never trust Wikipedia”.

Spargo introduced himself to the band, who were more impressed by his ingenuity than concerned by the security breach.

The band shared a few beers with Spargo and later told the story on Twitter, using the Anchorman catchphrase “I’m not even mad.” -via HuffPo

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"Never trust [unattributed] Wikipedia [entries]"

This worked because he used the edit within minutes of making it. If he'd set it up a day ahead of time or something, I bet one of the hundreds of Wikipedia editors who was notified of the edit would have noted that it was baseless and reverted the article to its original state.
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