Archive for November 25th, 2015

German Engineering Tested in the Most German Way Possible

The Germans are rightfully known for their masterful engineering capabilities. This 1986 video by the national army demonstrates this. It's in German, but you can follow what's going on even without a knowledge of the la...

PRESIDENTIAL PARDON - If You Hunger For The Truth Don't Follow This Man

PRESIDENTIAL PARDON by ALIENBIKER23The President agreed to grant a pardon to whoever won the Hunger Games because he felt sure it couldn't be done, but that bold beauty Katniss was unaware of any such limitations. She p...

Adopt A New Best Friend This Black Friday For Free

While many people will be out fist fighting over the best discount sweaters, you can meet a new best friend and take him or her home for free. That's because is partnering with a national animal rescue program...

The Hottest Toy This Christmas: The Teddytaur

(Photo: Steiff Shop)I'm laying down a marker here: the toy that every child will want this Christmas and that parents will be desperately hunting for through stores on December 24 is the Teddytaur. It's half ted...

Thanksgiving Movies and Marathons

You’re off work for Thanksgiving, and you’ve watched the parade, maybe the Westminster Dog Show, and you’re not really into football. What to do for the rest of the weekend? In between family activities...

Greatest Dad Ever Attaches Leaf Blower to Son's Toy Car

[](Video Link)The key phrase that a father must say in this scenario is: "Don't tell your mother about this."Jarrad Provost of Fredericksburg, Virginia attached a leaf blower to...

Ten Last-Minute Thanksgiving Recipes That are Incredibly Easy to Pull Off

Crown Jewel Turkey for Dummies | Image and Recipe: The Crepes of WrathHas someone communicated a late request for you to bring a dish to Thanksgiving? Or are you planning to accept a last-minute invitat...

PSA: Don't Text and Dad

[](Video Link)Put down the phone, fellow fathers. Right now, you're supposed to be watching your kids. They're not safe out of your sight for even a second. Just glance away to...

Ten Of The Most Gruesome Medieval Torture Techniques

Medieval torture techniques are some of the most brutal of all time, and whether they were encouraging a prisoner to talk, punishing a sinner, or simply carrying out a death sentence Medieval torturers were encouraged to...

Mufasa Retires from the Circus

Peru banned circuses from using wild animals, but not all of them complied. Animal Defenders International made it a priority to find confined and abused animals still kept by circuses. One they found was Mufasa, a mount...

Yummy Super Star Destroyer

The Imperial fleet is approaching our position quickly, but I don't want to leave. The ships look so yummy! Surely a warship that presents itself as a delicious treat can't be all that bad.Roland Tamayo's art is noted fo...

China's Singles Day Has Become A Star Studded Spectacle

November 11th is Single's Day in China, which started out as a day for young people to celebrate their single life by buying themselves a gift but has ballooned into one of the world's largest online shopping days.That's...

Vermin Supreme Running for President

Vermin Supreme has filed the necessary paperwork to run for president in the 2016 New Hampshire primary. We showed you his campaign video the last time he ran in 2012. In fact, this is Supreme’s seventh presidentia...

Animated Short Explains The Difference Between A Sweet Potato And A Yam

When you go to buy potatoes you generally just have to pick a color or a name, because whether they're red, russet or fingerling they're all called potatoes in the end.But their tuberous root cousins are named sweet pota...

Ancient Chinese Tree Drops an Ocean of Golden Leaves

(Photos: Sina)This majestic tree is a testament to the beauty of nature and thoughtful gardening. For 1,400 years, this gingko has shaded the Guanyin Zen Temple in the Zhongnan mountains of China. Legend holds that Emper...

Mr. Angry - Sometimes Incredible Heroes Come In Tiny Packages

Mr. Angry by BazNetRemember those really cute Mr. Men and Little Miss books you used to read as a child? Each one focused on a different colorful character that embodied some aspect of the human condition, whether a moo...

My Life After 44 Years In Prison

Otis Johnson was recently released from prison after serving 44 years. Think about how much the world has changed in 44 years. If you weren’t there to see it changing gradually, how surprising would it be? Honestly...

Check Out This Wonderful Star Wars Easter Egg in Google

Google has many Easter eggs hidden in its code. For example, you can search "do a barrel roll" to see a visual effect, "once in a blue moon" to see a precise calculation, and the "answer to life the universe and everythi...

Hoverboard, an xkcd Game

Randall Munroe posted an interactive xkcd comic yesterday that’s a video game called Hoverboard. I played it for a short time, but I gave up because I was busy (it’s Thanksgiving week, after all). I do like h...

Hilarious Ghost In The Car Prank Clip From Japanese Variety Show

Prank videos aren't everyone's cup of tea, but those who enjoy watching people scared half to death in silly ways know that Japanese pranks are about as silly as they come.For the Japanese love to get all theatrical with...

Revolver: the Beatles' Greatest Album?

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.Revolver was the seventh studio album released by the Beatles, the land...

Joseph Gordon-Levitt Proves He Belongs In The Rhythm Nation

When Joseph Gordon-Levitt puts together a routine for Janet Jackson's Rhythm Nation he remains in CONTROL the entire time, crushing it with both costume and performance while demanding the nasty call him Mr. Lev...

Story Lines

In 1947, Kurt Vonnegut developed a theory of storytelling that could be illustrated with shapes on graphs, which is called the Shapes of Stories. The theory was rejected as his master's thesis subject, and only became fa...

Every Lightsaber Amputation in Star Wars

[](Video Link)Over the course of the Star Wars story, Darth Vader lost six of his four limbs. Luke Skywalker famously lost his now highly collectible right hand. That injury earned him...

Artist Cayce Zavaglia Creates Embroidery Like No Other

[]Vimeo LinkSt. Louis, Missouri-based artist Cayce Zavaglia (featured previously at Neatorama), working out of her home studio, creates these unique and intricate embroideries that from a distan...

Pakistan's Camel-Mounted Bagpipe Band

(Photo: AFP)When is the best time to play bagpipes? The answer is: always. It is always appropriate to play the bagpipes, for they are the world's most beautiful musical instrument.We've heard them played in space. We've...

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