Archive for November 20th, 2015

Anatomy of the Holidays

You know these things are going to happen, but it’s somehow comforting to know that they are not only universal, but now set in a handy timeline. John Atkinson of the webcomic Wrong Hands has charted and graphed th...

Frustrated Cat Wants Guinea Pig out of His Bed

The guinea pig is in the cat tree, resting quietly where the cat normally parks himself. Oh, the spot doesn't have the cat's name on it. But everyone knows that that space is for Cat, not Guinea Pig. So, move little pigg...

Gingerbread King’s Landing

Food artist Michelle Wibowo (previously at Neatorama) has just blown all gingerbread competition away this year with her project for this weekend’s Taste of London food festival. HBO has a room set up at the festiv...

10 Movies That Reused Sets from Other Movies

Pictured above are the Vasquez Rocks, a remarkably scenic rock formation outside of Los Angeles. They're part of a public park that you can visit. They are most widely known as being the location of Captain Kirk's battle...

The Home Speakeasy

Isn’t this the classiest, coziest bar you seen in a while? Redditor marauder09 has this in his home! He designed it after the speakeasies of the Prohibition era. Among the actual liquor bottles are antique bottles....

Hopf Fibration - Geometrically Gorgeous

Hopf Fibration by Henry SegermanIf you're the kind of person who hates when people stare at your t-shirt then this isn't the tee for you, but if you enjoy blowing minds by wearing an amazing work of art on your chest th...

What The Rugrats Would Look Like All Grown Up

Eric Molinksy is not the first artist to show what the cast of Rugrats might look like when they weren't babies, but full-grown adults. But he doesn't care for how those characters are interpreted when older. He...

Leaf Pokémon

Japanese Twitter user xxx2251 takes advantage of the fall foliage to arrange leaves in the shapes of Pokémon. He started with this Charizard which strangely reverted to its prior form as a Charmander, also arrange...

Why Isn't It Faster To Fly West?

Since the earth is spinning to the east, why doesn’t flights to the west take less time than one going east? According to this video from Minute Physics, it’s kind of complicated.[

One Mother's Witty Comics on Motherhood

Héloïse Weiner is a mom to sons William, almost 3, Ezra, 18 months, and newborn Nino. Anyone presented with that information can easily gather that she has her hands full. Héloïse d...

Drunk Parents Are Monsters In This Disturbing PSA

When PSAs talk about all the ways alcoholism can ruin your life and the lives of your loved ones they have a hard time painting a picture ugly enough to match the real face of the eternally drunk.But the horrifying PSAs...

Running Away With the Circus

The Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus has been traveling for over 100 years, and even longer than that under different names before they combined. It still travels, two shows on two trains, populated by pe...

Mesmerizing Videos of a Girl Longboard Dancing

[](Video Link)Hyo Joo Ko doesn't just ride her skateboard. And she doesn't perform tricks on it in the conventional sense. She dances on and with it, flowing from one movement to another smooth...

Artist Transforms Celebrity Dolls into True Likenesses

Jennifer LawrenceCalifornia-based artist Noel Cruz (previously at Neatorama) continues his fine work repainting celebrity dolls, which seldom look very much like their real-life inspirations, to look more realis...

Fifty Things You Can Make With Wood Pallets

(Tutorial Link)DIY tutorials that show you how to turn what is essentially trash into something functional or fun can be hit or miss, but when you've got fifty different tutorials to choose from you can't go wrong!In thi...

Knife-Wielding Tentacle

Think of all the cool stuff you see in DIY videos. Arduino is on the list because it makes all kids of cool things happen. Tentacles are cool. Knives are cool. Robots are cool. YouTube member outaspaceman put all these t...

Leatherface Tree Service - He's A Real Hack

Leatherface Tree Service by DansmashIf you're looking for someone to put on a bit of a show while trimming your trees then you need to call Leatherface Tree Service, with the most skilled chainsaw wielding maniac in the...

NYC Cabbies Bringing Sexy Back Again With Their 2016 Calendar

You've understandably been counting down the months, and the time is finally here. Yes, it's time for the release of the 2016 New York City Cab Drivers Calendar. For three years running, cab drivers in the Big Apple have...

Roo on the Roof

Trent and Bronwyn Duggan of Melbourne, Australia, heard a crash on their roof Saturday morning. They went to investigate and found an Eastern Grey kangaroo sitting on the roof! The animal had hopped up about twelve feet...

Thanksgiving: Myth Versus Fact

[]YouTube LinkIn episode 43, the latest Anglophenia video, host Kate Arnell discusses fact and fiction regarding British influence and more in the origin story of our American Thanksgiving hol...

5 Incredible Crime-Scene Professions

These are even cooler than the ones you see on TV!Forensic BotanistIn 1932, Bruno Hauptmann propped a homemade ladder against Charles Lindbergh’s house, climbed up to one of the bedroom w...

Little Girl's Lesson for the Family Dog

[]YouTube LinkThree-year-old Hadley teaches the family dog (who looks to be a poodle mix — possibly a Goldendoodle) how to offer his paw to shake. Her father looks on as the lesson progr...

Navigating New York City With a Guidebook From 1899

In the 19th century, travelers knew the best way to explore new places was with the help of a Baedeker guide. They contained some history, maps, sights to see, and recommendations and reviews for hotels, restaurants, and...

Scientists Have Trained Pigeons to Detect Breast Cancer

Oh, this? This is just a pigeon correctly diagnosing malignant breast tissue:— Discover Magazine (@DiscoverMag) November 19, 2015 Breast cancer diagnosis includ...

Princess Rap Battle: Katniss Everdeen vs. Hermione Granger

The final Hunger Games movie, Mockingjay Part 2, opened nationwide last night, so it’s perfect timing to see Katniss in a rap battle in Whitney Avalon’s Princess Rap series. Her opponent: He...

Six Behind-The-Scenes Supermarket Secrets

(Image Link)It's hard to imagine urban life without a supermarket nearby, and knowing that mega food mart is always there to provide you with any foodstuffs you might need gives us a false sense of security.I say false b...

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