LED Hand Lights Are The Latest Trend Among Biohackers

The latest phase in our quest to "enhance" the human body should be the subdermal installation of electric wiring, allowing a different kind of electricity to flow through our bodies and power onboard devices.

But since we're in the real 21st century and not the sci-fi version we'll have to settle for these kinda cool looking LED lights implanted in the back of the hand.

This electrifying new trend among biohackers is called the Northstar V1- it's about the size of a large coin with magnetically activated LED lights that can light up about 10,000 times before the batteries need to be changed.

The Northstar V1 was created by the Pittsburgh based collective known as Grindhouse Wetware, who developed the device after multiple requests for a way to light up tattoos. But to me it looks like a sugically implanted way to make an Iron Man cosplay way more realistic!

-Via Gizmodo

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Those stitches are crappy and will leave an ugly scar. If they're going to hack their own flesh, you'd think they could find some help with a tiny bit of medical skill.
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Yep! And it looks like step 1 in the battery-changing manual will be:
"Cut open your hand."
Why didn't they think to put a rechargeable battery with induction charger, like what my electric toothbrush has?
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