For the People of Paris

Our hearts go out to the people of Paris, France, as they deal with the consequences of multiple terrorist attacks on Friday. The death toll stands at 128 right now, and hundreds are injured. There were both shootings and bombings. The lights of the Eiffel tower were turned off in mourning.

The Guardian has a summary of the news. For ongoing details, you can tune into the France 24 newsfeed or see The Guardian’s liveblog.

The world rallied around France in the aftermath of the attacks. Symbols of support came from all over. The most immediate and photogenic way of showing support was to light landmarks in the colors of the French flag: blue, white, and red.

UK: Wembley Stadium in London

Ireland: Dublin Convention Centre

France: The Basilica in Lourdes

Sweden: The Globe Arena in Stockholm


Australia: The Sydney Opera House

Australia: City Hall in Brisbane

Australia: The Adelaide Oval

Australia: The Story Bridge in Brisbane

Australia: Council House in Perth

New Zealand: The Sky Tower in Auckland

Brazil: Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janiero

Canada: The CN Tower in Toronto

Mexico: The Senate Building in Mexico City

USA: City Hall in San Francisco

USA: The Washington Capitals Hockey Game

USA: CenturyLink Field in Seattle

USA: Cincinnati

USA: City Hall in Houston

USA: Omni Hotel in Dallas

USA: The Empire State Building in New York

USA: The World Trade Center in New York

French graphic designer Jean Jullien produced an image that has become the symbol of the world’s hopes for Paris.

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This reminds me of the puzzle game we had in elementary school where you had to move the colored cars in the right order to get the main one out off the lot.
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