Archive for November 6th, 2015

Barber Gets Down on the Floor to Give a Haircut to a Little Boy with Autism

(Photo: Denine Davies)Mason has never had a complete haircut. It's a very difficult experience for him because he has autism. But when Mason came with his mom into a barber shop in West Glamorgan, UK, barber Jim Williams...

Hotline Bling Cat

Drake’s new song "Hotline Bling" has become quite the hit. Mike Lavin likes it. Even his cat gets down to the groove![] (vimeo link)What was that about pets and their owners looking alike...

Movie Posters Made Using Words From Their Scripts

Robotic Ewe (featured on Neatorama with his own section in the Neato shop) is a Glasgow-based artist who creates a number of impressive products. His artworks include this series of classic movie posters in which the ima...

Lost Disney Film from 1928 Rediscovered

[](Video Link)In 1928, Walt Disney released one of his first films: Sleigh Bells. This 6-minute short featured Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a prototype for Mickey Mouse. Em...

The Different Types Of Comic Book Readers

Comic book readers have such diverse opinions about the medium, and vary so widely in terms of commitment level, that it should be really hard to divide them up into categories.And yet it seems that the 8 main types draw...

Baby Bites Venomous Snake, Killing It

(Photo: G1)Jaine Ferreira Figueira of Mostardas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil allowed her 17-month old son, Lorenzo, in her garden. She found him with a dead snake in his mouth. She rushed him to the hospital to receive tre...

Krampus - The Dark Side Of The Holiday Season

Krampus by JimiyoIf you feel a chill in the air come Christmas Eve it may be jolly old Saint Nick preparing for his sleigh ride around the world, or it may be his dark cousin come to collect from the naughty list. The s...

The Extreme Minuet

“The World’s Fastest Orchestra” is 43 people tossing coins in close sequence. Their target is an array of beakers with exact amounts of liquid in them. The toss takes about a second, but when the video...

Icebreaker Super Yacht

Icebreakers are hardly known as glamorous ships. They're specially-designed workhorses of the shipping world. But the Damen Group, a Dutch shipbuilding company, is changing that image. It has designed the SeaXplorer, a l...

A Hamster’s Weird Anatomy and Physiology

If you’ve never kept small furry pets in a cage before, it may be hard to tell a hamster from a gerbil from a mouse from a Guinea pig. Hamsters have some features that make them well-adapted for their former wild e...

Man Builds Special Kayak for His Dogs

(Photo: Linda Bahnson)Years ago, David Bahnson, a retired orthopedic surgeon in Vermont, wanted to share his enjoyment of kayaking with his dogs. So he placed his dog, Susie, in the luggage compartment. After getting a s...

Five Cool Things You May Not Know About Your Tape Measure

Everybody has a tape measure in their home, and it's a must whether you're building stuff in the garage or simply repositioning furniture or measuring for curtains and such.But do you know about all of the handy function...

The Force Awakens Japanese Trailer

The Japanese trailer for Star Wars: The Force Awakens has quite a bit of new footage not available in the U.S. version.[] (YouTube link)Even more so, it’s an exciting look at th...

This Might Be The Most Realistic Rocket Raccoon Costume Ever Made

It's no surprise that Rocket Raccoon is a big hit with the younger Guardians fans, since he's both spunky and fuzzy, but it seems their love for Rocket knows no bounds. They're wearing Rocket's image on their t-shirts, p...

Man on the Moon

British department store John Lewis has released their 2015 Christmas ad. It doesn’t make a bit of sense, but bring your hankie anyway, because it’s an obvious analogy (which went over the heads of many YouTu...

Sliced Bread Chair

It’s as comfortable as comfort food. Surely there could be nothing as relaxing as putting yourself in a position in which you take on the appearance of food. So it’s good that the NOBU Corporation sells a zai...

Sound Advice On Screenwriting From Some Of Hollywood's Finest

When someone starts getting serious about writing screenplays it's a sure bet they'll eventually move to L.A., and this oversaturation of screenwriters in Hollywood makes it hard for amateurs to get advice on how to impr...

Pulp Muppet - Say Moi Again!

Pulp Muppet by MELONSETAThe Muppets are finally back on the airwaves, and just in the knick of time too, because any longer off the air and some of the cast might have ended up behind bars! Some cast members are having...

A Foot Warmer’s True Purpose

You've heard that the best gift you can give a cat is the box it came in. However, a foot warmer appears to be quite popular with these two kittens. There’s your purrfect Christmas gift for the cat! I have four goo...

Turkey Is Coming, So Cover Your Torso With One Of These Fun And Festive T-Shirts

I Heart ThanksgivingTurkey Day, or as it's more commonly known Thanksgiving, is supposed to be a day that revolves around being with family and friends, eating good food, and taking in a little TV.When the night of tiny...

Graham Greene’s The Power and the Glory

If Graham Greene hadn’t called Shirley Temple a “totsy,” one of the 20th century’s greatest novels wouldn’t exist. In the fall of 1937, the British magazine Night and Day p...

A McDonald's in France Dealt Pot From Their Drive-Through Window

Image: Paolo NeoA McDonald's restaurant near Lyon, France was allegedly serving up their own unique version of the Happy Meal through their drive through window, according to workers that reported the activ...

The Chinese Village of Long-Haired Rapunzels

(Photo: Vberger)Huanglou, a village in the Guangxi Province of China, has a unique cultural practice: the women cut their hair only once during their entire lives. Otherwise, they let it grow up to 7 feet long. They are...

Workers Discover 19th-Century Burial Grounds Under Greenwich Village, NYC

City workers digging to improve water mains beneath Greenwich Village in Manhattan recently made a historical find when they uncovered two burial sites that date back to the 19th century. The first discovery, a vault con...

Star Wars Lego AT-ST Walker Destroyed

Remember the scene in Return of the Jedi where the Ewoks aimed two logs at an AT-ST Walker and obliterated it? These guys recreated that scene with a LEGO walker. They shot the destruction with a high-speed came...

The McDonald’s Paddle-Through Window

Redditor Pinehearst writes, “The McDonald’s in my town got flooded This was the result.” It’s more likely the town flooded, but the McDonald’s stayed dry and open for business. Good for the...

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