Interactive Map of James Bond's Travel Destinations

Agent 007 has travel all over the world while working for the UK's Secret Intelligence Service. The latest film, Spectre, takes James Bond to Austria, Italy, and Morocco. These may be great journeys for us, but for Bond, it's just another day at the office.

The Guardian offers an interactive map that shows where James Bond has traveled over the course of his 23 movies. It does not include space, where Bond spent some time in Moonraker. And, of course, it does not include any of his travels that remain classified.

-via Marilyn Bellamy

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Map is wrong in more ways than one. It's Iguazu Falls, not Iguaza Falls and to say they are in Argentina is like saying the Niagara falls are in Canada. Don't care to look at the rest of the map after seeing that.
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