Archive for October 27th, 2015

U2 "Achtung Baby" Condoms and Other Wacky Band Merch Available on the Internet

The $3,999 Kiss Casket | Image: Brand MemorialsWhat crazy item might you be willing to buy if it had your favorite band's name attached to it? Or are you a hardliner who would cross the band off of your favorite...

Happy Little Groots - The Art Of Friendship

Happy Little Groots by Taylor RoseBob Raccoon used to go by the name Rocket, back when he was a bad little mammal with a tendency to get into scrapes all across the galaxy. Rocket was a hothead, an angry little furball...

Baby Elephant Insists on Cuddling with Woman

[](Video Link)It's time for mandatory affection at Chai Lai Orchid resort in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Allie doesn't know that yet, but Ele the baby elephant will teach her. Thi...

Famous Last Words

Joan Crawford, 1928 | Image:  George Grantham Bain collection / Library of CongressThe last words of famous people are of great interest to the public, as well as often hotly debated. In some cases, pu...

Heroic Bus Driver Saves Woman from Jumping off Bridge

[](Video Link)This bridge in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China, is 230 feet above the surface of the Yangtze River. Bian Peng, a bus driver, noticed as he drove over the bridge t...

Digger for Hire: Halloween Special

Kurt Richter took this picture of the construction site near his home. The heavy equipment crew has a sense of humor! Let's get a closer look.Their simple Halloween decoration is tasteful, subdued, and really appropriate...

The Haunting Of Meatloaf Will Leave A Cheesy Taste In Your Mouth

Meatloaf isn't the first name that comes to mind at the mention of horror and the supernatural, unless you're a big fan of The Rocky Horror Picture Show and adore his performance as Eddie.(YouTube Link)But Meatl...

Arcade Cosplay Evening Gowns

While attending the PAX Prime convention in Seattle in August, David Ngo shot these three ladies who are ready for an elegant evening at an 80s arcade. Thalia Cosplay wears Pac-Man, Peachy Molly wears the Tetris dress, a...

Bill Murray Speaks Candidly in This Rare, Animated Interview from 1988

[]YouTube LinkIn this, the latest episode of the animated series Blank on Blank, Bill Murray talks acting obnoxious and other feelimgs and impulses in this interview...

Last Minute Halloween Costumes You Can Make With Three Items Or Less

(Image Link)Halloween is less than a week away, which means Halloweenies who are prepared for the big night already have their costume and event picked out, and the procrastinators have another week to decide what t...

Waiting For That Movie

Once upon a time, you didn’t think about a movie until it reached your local theater. And that was a good thing, because they didn't play in small towns until months after the official release. Then as theaters exp...

2 Spider Species Named after Spider-Man Actors

(Image: Columbia Pictures/Marvel Entertainment, via ComicBook)Two actors have donned the red mask in recent years: Tobey Maguire in 2002 and Andrew Garfield in 2012. To honor their work, scientists recently named two rea...

Watch A Samurai Slice A Baseball Flying At 100 MPH In Half

Samurai warriors trained to strike with precision, defend themselves when the fight stretched on and, most impressive visually, unsheath their katana and strike in the blink of an eye.With a flash a well trained samurai...

How Long Would it Take for Vampires to Annihilate Humanity?

If a vampire must feed on human blood, how long would it take a certain number of vampires to wipe out the human population? And if those human victims then turned to vampires, how soon would vampires outnumber humans? M...

Ten DIY Tutorials Inspired By The Walking Dead

This year fans of The Walking Dead, and those who appreciate a good zombie tale no matter the franchise, will be wanting to celebrate the spookiest holiday of them all in undead style.So here's ten tutorials to...

Chewbacca Arrested

(Image credit: Ukraine Police at Instagram)The elections in Ukraine are contentious enough between the pro-Russian and anti-Russian factions, but now they’ve gone and arrested Chewbacca! The Wookiee was accompanyin...

Do Animals Mourn Their Dead?

[](Video Link)I remember that after one of my pet rabbits died, the other rabbit, in a shocking display of strength, ripped the door off her cage and went out looking for him. S...

Imagination Mash-Up - Before Calvin Or Hobbes There Was Jim And Kermit

Imagination Mash-Up by MightyRainImagination is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, and when a dreamer realizes their full potential by utilizing the power of their imaginative mind the whole world comes al...

Real Life Andy’s Room from Toy Story 3

The Pixarist and friends are working on a live-action remake of Toy Story 3. As a part of the project, they recreated Andy’s bedroom from the movie down to the tiniest detail.When my friends and I began re...

How the Army Handled Cultural Sensitivity Training during World War II

During World War II, millions of Americans who had never travelled beyond their own states were, in short order, trained and sent far away to foreign lands filled with people very different from themselves. So the Army p...

Tea with Jean-Luc Picard

The Captain really likes his tea. Sometimes that causes problems on the Enterprise. This video is actually called "Tea with Jean-Luc, episode 1: Ménage à Tea," which tells us there will be more to come conc...

17 Totally Over-The-Top Halloween Costumes

Last year we brought you some easy last minute costumes and this year we also had some ideas for simple DIY kid's costumes, but if you're looking for something a little more inspirational -even if it's only to awe at, we...

Bike Stand Furniture

If you live in a small home, it can be a challenge to find a place to park your bicycle inside. The design studio Chol1 responded to this need by designing a wide array of household furniture that has build-in bike stand...

Horrifying Killer Snail Makeup Tutorial

These killer snails are no masks, but they are certainly more than makeup. The Swedish duo called ellimacs sfx, which is makeup artist Ellinor Rosander and photographer Macs Moser, go through all the steps of making a pr...

The Circle of Vespas

Egyptian artist Moataz Nasr calls his installation Vacanze Romane, which translates into English as Roman Holidays. He displayed it in the Italian city of Pisa. One Piaggio Vespa joins another in an end...

Due to Their Intelligence, These Octopuses are Kept "Challenged"

[]YouTube LinkAt San Francisco's California Academy of Sciences, the biologists at Steinhart Aquarium say that the octopuses there are at a level of intelligence tha...

Should You Get a Cat or a Baby?

Which is a better household companion: a cat or a baby? Matthew Inman of The Oatmeal runs through the arguments, clearly favoring cats.What he doesn’t mention is that babies don’t stay that way forever, as ca...

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