There were around 275 dogs entered into the 2015 Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade on Saturday. Many of them were accompanied by owners who dressed up to match their dog’s Halloween costumes. And there were winners.
The prize was won by some Dallas contestants who tapped into the Halloween spirit with a Day of the Dead-themed presentation that included two Chihuahuas and a Yorkshire terrier. Last year, a doggy version of Rose and Jack from the movie "Titanic" captured the title.
This year, there were all types of dinosaurs, perhaps capitalizing on the excitement generated by the recent release of the "Jurassic World" film, and dogs posing as an alligator, a dragon, a fisherman and characters from "The Wizard of Oz" and "The Flintstones." One dog, accompanied by a woman wearing a nun's habit, was dressed as Pope Francis.
See a gallery of 90 photos from the event at Gothamist. -via Fark
(Images credit: Scott Heins/Gothamist)