Archive for October 25th, 2015

Backwards Backwards Race

This video of a short footrace looks a little strange. They take strangely small steps, and they keep looking over their shoulders. It’s just weird.[] (YouTube link)See, this is a backwa...

The Bombshell Life and Mysterious Death of Jean Harlow

Jean Harlow | Image: Celebrities StarsYou Must Remember This is a podcast that features stories about old Hollywood. Each episode is being excerpted on Slate. The following is a portion of their story...

Man Gets Hair Washed While Riding a Scooter

Now I've got a great business idea: hair salon services for people who are really in a hurry.Rocket News 24 tells us that a viral video from Gaoshu, Pingtung County, Taiwan shows two men riding a scooter. The one in the...

Canadian Town Creates Christmas in October for Boy with Brain Cancer

Seven-year-old Evan Leversage of St. George, Ontario has been courageously fighting brain cancer for the majority of his life. After five years of living with the disease, Evan's brain tumor has been recently determined...

Debate Between PC And Console Gaming Reaches A New Level Of Ridiculousness

As a general rule you should refrain from using the term "master race" unless you're discussing things like racism, Nazi ideology or eugenics.But if you're trying to make a big impression, good or bad, using the term "ma...

Punish - Let The Bodies Hit The Floor

Punish by Legendary PhoenixFrank doesn't wear a skull emblazoned across his chest to look cool or up his street cred, because he doesn't need any help in these departments. He wears the skull to strike fear into his ene...

600 Years Ago Today: The Battle of Agincourt

(Morning of the Battle of Agincourt, a painting by Sir John Gilbert)And for 600 years to follow, gentlemen in England then abed thought themselves accursed they were not there that day. On October 25, 1415--the...

A Sumo Wrestler Footrace

Sumo wrestlers must be strong enough to push another wrestler their size across the ring, sturdy enough to take some physical abuse when they bump bellies, and heavy enough to hold their ground.But the art of Sumo has li...

14 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Cruise Ship Workers

Cruise ship docked in the Bahamas | Image: Captain-TuckerIf you've ever taken a cruise with one of the larger cruise lines, you know the feeling of being on a massive, near-city on water. Many of the ships are s...

Little Oakley Did the Monster Mash

(Video Link)When young animals are abandoned or rescued, many are often given stuffed animals as surrogate parents for warmth, comfort and companionship. Amazingly, the species that need this kind of comfort can ran...

Bursting through the Roof

(Photo: Satrughna)Throughout his work, Dutch artist Reinier Lagendijk often shows nature and humanity in conflict, bending toward each other's will or at least compromising. In this sculpture titled Villa Lisiduna*/e...

Nana Goes Trick-or-Treating

The idea behind “trick or treat” is the implied threat of playing tricks on a homeowner if the treats aren’t given. That’s extortion, but it's a big part of how we celebrate Halloween. We often do...

The Most Venomous Animal in the World Is a Snail

There are snakes that can kill you with a single bite and scorpions that can take you out with just one sting. But none of them have venom with the killing power of a snail. The geography cone snail (Conus geographus...

Movie Worms Ranked by Size

Quick- think of all the movies you know that feature worms. Those will probably be the movies included in this supercut from Atlas Obscura.[] (YouTube link)They start out small and cute, but t...

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