A Preacher Dressed Up As The Devil Warns People About Halloween

Halloween doesn't corrupt young minds or threaten the moral fabric of our society, and yet those who feel threatened by Halloween keep trying to convince us that the holiday is inherently evil.

Those who oppose Halloween because of their religious beliefs present an especially zealous portrayal of Halloween as a Satanism gateway drug, which the fearful eat up like candy.

A Chicago preacher dressed up like the Devil created this cautionary video warning "dumb Christians who have Halloween parties in their churches" (his words, not mine) about the evils of Samhain, the Devil's holiday.

(YouTube Link)

The preacher's performance could use some work, but the Halloween inspired piano soundtrack is to die for!

-Via Dangerous Minds

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The 'real' devil would know how to pronounce 'samhain'! It's sow-een! sheesh! My Celtic and Druidic ancestors are truly outraged by this bit of blather...
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