The Google Employee Who Lives In The Parking Lot

You'd think employees working for a huge tech company like Google would earn enough money to afford an apartment at very least, but Google's main offices are located in San Francisco, one of the world's most expensive cities to live in.

So how does an employee make ends meet and keep their dream job? An employee named Brandon thinks he has the answer- stop paying rent and live in the back of a truck.

Brandon bought a moving truck for $10,000 and now sleeps in the back, eating his meals in the Google cafeteria and showering in the Google gym.

It's lacking all the comforts of home, but Brandon expects to pay off a significant chunk of his student loans this year so he's trading comfort for financial peace of mind.

-Via The Chive

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For 10 grand, why didn't he buy a used RV or a camper? Then he could live in something that was already built to be lived in, instead of the back of an insulated, windowless box truck?

Sounds like working-at-Google doesn't necessarily imply smarts.
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