I'm not sure if Noc the beluga whale has been watching too much human TV, or if it's a simple case of humans thinking everything sounds human, but Noc really has the whole chattering human routine down pat!
Noc was tamed by the United States Navy in the 1970s so he could help locate and retrieve sunken torpedos and mines, and he has not taken to working with humans like a fish out of water because he loves his human pals.
He likes his human friends so much that Noc even likes to play tricks on them, making divers think they've heard radio chatter telling them to get out of the water, with playful Noc laughing all the while.
If you'd like to read more about an amazing beluga named Noc check out this Smithsonian article from 2014, it's a whale of a tale and it's true!
-Via GNN
Sure seems like he has!