Woman Has Meltdown as Black Bear Chews on Her Kayak in Alaska

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When I took one of my dogs to obedience school at the Humane Society, one piece of wisdom the instructor imparted was "Remember, dogs don't speak English." It seemed like he was stating the obvious at the time, but soon it became clear how many humans scream English at animals, as if they expect them to understand exactly what they're saying.

I was reminded of that piece of advice as I watched this video of an Alaskan black bear munching on this woman's kayak. Is it wrong that the longer she yelled, the more I began to root for the bear? Yes, I know it's wrong. She had every reason to be scared and worried about being stranded. The woman wrote this about her experience,

"During a solo kayak trip, intended to go from from Ketchikan, Alaska to Petersburg, Alask, a bear attacked my kayak. This incident occurred outside of a US Forest Service cabin in Berg Bay, Wrangell District, Alaska. I had just carried my tent, food, and all my gear into the cabin to dry while I went on a 4 mile hike that begins just behind the cabin. I heard something outside as I ate my lunch, and well, I never got to go on that hike. This video is taken 5 minutes after the attack began, he continued to gnaw on it for another 5 or 10 after the video ends. Shortly after the bear left and I drug the kayak back to the cabin door step. Then I swam to the S/V anchored in the bay. They did not have their radio on and I feared I would be stranded! The German flagged S/v Caledonia took me and my things to Wrangell where I am trying to repair my kayak now."

Via Laughing Squid

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Send money? Seriously? Not for her. For the bear, maybe.

Yes, it sucks what happened, but if you can't fund your own adventures, even with mishaps, maybe stay at home.

When you encounter a bear, you get away. If you can't easily, then you make as much noise as possible. She is actually endangering her own life by trying to distract the bear from her kayak, when she could have stayed in her cabin and waited out the so-called "attack". Totally irresponsible.
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As ridiculous as this video looks (and sounds), her response is similar to how I've responded to bears while cycling alone in the woods. I find myself just yelling the obvious at it because it's a reason to create noise. If I suspect a bear is in the area while passing through, I will usually sing something like "go away bear, I'm just passing through, la la la don't wanna see you bear!"
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