Inventor Morgan Gustavsson and his partner Paul Binun are counting on you answering "yes." They've developed and are marketing a razor called the Skarp. Wave it over your skin, and it will cut straight through the hair. You can use this laser cutting instrument on any part of your body like a little lightsaber. Business Insider reports:
Morgan Gustavsson invented the IPL (Intense Pulse Light) laser in 1989, which is still a popular method of hair removal treatment. He always wanted to create a laser that could be brought to bear on the everyday shaving market, but there was a problem, he writes. Wavelengths of light had been discovered that could cut through dark hair, but light (or gray) hair was much more challenging to deal with.
But now he, and his partner Paul Binun, claim to have discovered a chromophore (part of a hair molecule) that is shared by all humans, and can be cut easily when hit with a particular wavelength of light.
-via Marginal Revolution
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